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  • This page provides an overview of the recording and editing of resource data in the PLANTA software. For additional information on individual functions, please refer to the descriptions of the respective modules which are linked here. 
  • There are several modules for resource management available under PM Administration → Master Data → Users, Roles, Resources.


  • Resources are initially created in the course of the creation of person properties in the Persons module. However, this is not yet allow you to plan the corresponding person as a resource in projects. Further settings are required.
  • These settings can be made in the Resource Data Sheet module, which can be opened from the Persons module by clicking on the link on the name of the required person resource. The Resource Data Sheet module is a sort of mask in which all required master data can be created or edited per resource, e.g. resource typedefault cost type, periods, etc.
    • If the planning period of the resource has been defined, the master data of the resource will be copied to individual periods and can be looked at per period in the Availability module or be changed for individual periods (days) if necessary. The Availability module is opened directly from the Resource Data Sheet of the resource via the button of the same name.
  • In order to edit the data of multiple resources at once and to get an overview of all created resources in table form, please use the Resources module. From this module you can also open the Resource Data Sheet of each individual resource.
  • The Resource Structure module provides a structural display of all existing resources. Here, structure codes of the resource can be changed in case resources must be restructured. You can restructure resources in the Resource Data Sheet module.


Information on further master data and their creation, see here.

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