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Simulation: Utilization MOD009CTG



  • This module shows the utilization of one or several department(s) according to the simulation data in the Simulation module.
    • If you mark several departments in the Simulation module and subsequently click on the Show utilization diagram button, the utilization diagrams of the respective department will be displayed below one another.
  • Display of:
    • available capacity of the department in the selected period in the form of a curve
      • overloads which lie outside the selected period are only visible after period adjustment. However, the traffic light is also red if overloads lie outside the selected periods.
    • remaining data of the planning objects assigned to the portfolio as histogram bars in the respective planning object colors ( The color of the planning object is defined in the Simulations module prior to the creation of the simulation).
      • Remaining data of planning objects which are not assigned to the portfolio but create loads in the selected departments will be taken into account as well. Such planning objects will be labeled as Other Projects and histograms for their data will be displayed in a common color.
    • Actual data of the planning objects assigned to the portfolio is displayed in the form of gray histogram bars.


  • Changes to the Simulation module take effect on the Simulation: Unload module.
    • Shifts of the planning object bars only take effect on a monthly level.
    • overloads which lie outside the selected period are only visible after period adjustment. The Total overload traffic light informs you whether overloads also occur outside the simulation period.
  • The prioritization of planning objects which are not assigned to the portfolio is generally higher in simulation than that of planning objects assigned to the portfolio (the histogram bars of these planning objects are all the way down in the diagram), since the portfolio manager has no influence on them and cannot shift them in the course of a simulation.
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