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Complete Project


  • A project is completed when the project target has been achieved. The project completion is the official end point of a project. After this point, no further work and no further costs are required in order to reach the project target.
  • In some cases projects end because of cancelation.
  • Regardless of whether a project is completed or canceled, a project in PLANTA will only be finished after certain steps have been taken within the program.

In order to finish a project in PLANTA project, you have to take the following steps:

  • Finish all tasks by setting actual end dates in the Schedule module.
  • Calculate the schedule of the project by clicking on the
    Calculate schedule button in the toolbar.
  • Create a final status report in the Status module.
  • Unload the schedule of the project in the Schedule module by selecting the Edit -> Unload schedule menu items. As a result, all remaining planned loads of all assigned resources will be deleted (if there are any). However, the actual loads will be retained.
  • Subsequently set the project status to Archive in the Project Core Data module. To do so, select the value of the same name from the listbox on the Status field in the Attributes/Parameters area.

Who is allowed to finish a project?

All users who have access to the modules mentioned above and have modification rights for projects. These are, in PLANTA standard, managers of the respective project, their deputies, or multi-project managers. For further information on rights, please click here.

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