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Initiate Projects


  • The persons who initiate projects or approve them for implementation are usually multi-project managers or members of a project office.
  • PLANTA project offers several options for the creation of new projects.
    1. The most simple solution is to create projects directly.
      • There are buttons in several management modules and module panels, e.g. Multi-Project Board which are especially designed for this, or a link directly in the user menu, provided that you possess a respective role.
      • By clicking on the New project button or on the link of the same name in the user menu, you will be redirected to a project panel in which the empty Project Core Data module, a sort of project mask for the recording of core data for a new project will be opened. Besides project name and project description with objectives, scope, etc., you can also define other data like, e.g., project dates (in PLANTA project called requested dates), project manager, or project team, etc., if required.
      • As soon as the core data of the new project has been recorded and saved, the project will be available in the system and can be opened and edited by authorized persons at any time.
    2. The other option for the creation of new projects is the conversion of already existing project proposals or project ideas (in PLANTA project simply called proposals and ideas) into projects.

With proposals and ideas, PLANTA project offers a sort of gradual preplanning for projects. This way you can first gather project ideas and substantiate them before turning them into projects. Since the data environment of these planning objects is identical in PLANTA project, they can be converted from a lower to a higher type without any data loss whatsoever, allowing you to keep on working on the project without having to record data anew. 

      • There are two approaches for the conversion of the planning object type:
        • either change the planning object type in the Edit Planning Objects overview and administration module. To do so, change the Type parameter from "Proposal" to "Project". Data previously recorded in the proposal will be retained and remains modifiable.
        • or make the conversion within a process model. See the info box below.

Besides free planning, PLANTA project also offers planning in accordance with defined process models. Such models can be created individually and be assigned to any planning object. Each model contains defined steps which must be processed consecutively during planning, so that the planning process follows a predefined pattern.

You can define different rules within the models. You can, e.g., define that particular steps cannot be carried out as long as the preceding step has not been completed, etc. Such rules can also be applied to multi-leveled models in order to define how, e.g., the transition from "Proposal" to "Project" is to be effected. It its software, PLANTA already offers several exemplary models, including for multi-level planning with conversion of planning object types. 

See also: For the exact procedure, see Create Project in the Project Workflow.

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