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Overview of the Most Important Planning Strategies


  • In PLANTA project, planning strategies or planning models can be defined via the Planning type parameter in the schedule of the respective project.
  • Below you will find a short summary of the three PLANTA project planning strategies Adherent to schedule and capacity
    • The behavior is described under the following premises:
      • Active today line = model parameter,
      • Fix task parameter = 0,
      • Planning early = ,
      • load profile used on the resource assignments: CAP (unless otherwise stated)


Adherent to schedule

Adherent to float

Adherent to capacity

Definition of objectives

How much overload arises for the employees if the dates are to be adhered to? How much buffer is available?

How much overload arises for employees if the dates are adhered to? How long to tasks last taking account of capacity and requested dates?

How long does a project last with predefined effort and limited capacity (no overload)?

Description of the planning method

Task duration and dates are adhered to. If the task durations are longer than the remaining time horizon, the end date is shifted.

Overloads are indicated.

A requested date is set for the project.

TA Remaining duration is calculated according to the resource effort. Floats are exploited. The overloads are smoothed. End dates are adhered to as long as the remaining time horizon is sufficient for the Remaining duration of the task.

The duration of a task is determined from:

  • Effort
  • Available capacity
  • CAP load profile
  • Option:  Planning with max. load/day


Usually Remaining duration, or alternatively Requested start - Requested end, is entered (Requested start Requested end dominates the Remaining duration).

If no Remaining duration is entered, it will be calculated from Requested start Requested end.

Planning without load profiles: When entering TA Remaining duration, the Remaining effort of the resource will be spread evenly over the duration.

If NO TA Remaining duration is entered, the system calculates TA Remaining duration from the effort of the resource, CAP load profile, and Max. load/day.

Usually, Remaining duration, or alternatively Requested start - Requested end, is entered.

If no Remaining duration is entered, it will be calculated from Requested start-Requested end.

When entering TA Remainingduration, the planned effort of the resource will be spread evenly over the duration.

If NO TA Remaining duration is entered, the system calculates TA Remaining duration from the effort of the resource, CAP load profile, and Max. load/day.

Regardless of whether the Remaining duration has been entered or not, the Remaining duration will be extended if the remaining time is insufficient for the remaining effort and as long as there is still remaining float.

The requested end date will be exceeded taking the links into account if the duration of the predecessors is too long.

No entry of task duration or TA Requested start/ end required. Only input of Remaining effort in h for allocated resources. For the parameters, see above.

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