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Project Estimate MOD0099P7



  • This module provides an overview of all existing projects, providing the following information per project:
    • the project estimate recorded manually by the project manager (entire estimate) as well as estimates for individual factors (costs, effort, dates, quality, risks, and opportunities) are visualized by a thumb symbol.
    • the project status calculated by the program for the cost, effort, and date factors is visualized by a respective traffic light.
  • The estimates and statuses are displayed for the following planning statuses: 
    • current planning,
    • baseline report,
    • active released status report (last released status report)
    • released status report (the status report which was active before the current one).


  • The status report data is only displayed if respective status reports exist.
  • If there are structured projects among the displayed projects as well, only their main projects will be displayed.


  • The projects displayed in this module are grouped by code. It is, however, possible to change groupings or have projects displayed ungrouped.

    • In the Group by field you can either change the grouping criterion by making a selection from the listbox, or delete it. After you have clicked on the Use changes button, the projects are either displayed grouped by the selected criterion or they are displayed ungrouped.
      • If you change the grouping criterion in another module of the panel which also contains grouping criteria, it automatically takes effect in the current module as well.
  • The projects to be displayed in this module can be filtered using object filters.

    • If there already is an object filter, it can be selected from the listbox on the Filter field. After clicking on the Apply changes button, only projects which correspond to the filter are displayed.
    • You area, can edit existing object filters or create new ones in the Object Filter module which is opened via the Edit filter button.
    • If an object filter is selected in one of the modules which use object filters, it automatically takes effect in all other modules with object filters as well.

  • By clicking on the ID of the required project, you can switch to the corresponding Project panel, in which you can edit or have a look at the project data depending on your user rights.
  • By clicking on the report number you switch to the Status Report module.

Module Variants

BaseIn this variant, the estimate values and the values calculated by the program are displayed for different factors like costs, effort, dates, etc.
Trend AnalysisIn addition, trend values which show the development in comparison with
  • the baseline report on one hand
  • the active status report on the other hand.
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