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Standard Roles


  • This topics provides an explanation of what roles are and which roles are stored in PLANTA project by default.

In PLANTA projectroles are grouping units which are used for rights management. A role gives the users to whom it is assigned access to one or more groups of modules and menu items. Such groups are called work areas.

A work area consists of at least one module or menu item, however, usually they are composed of several modules or module panels and/or menu items. There are pure module work areas and pure menu item work areas.  

To find out which roles are assigned to the users and which work areas and modules these roles comprise, please refer to your User menu.


  • The PLANTA standard roles are based on typical roles in project management.

    • In PLANTA project the Multi-project management, Project management, Program management, Resource management, Management, Project member, and PM administration/PMO are available.
    • In PLANTA portfolio, an additional portfolio management role is available.


  • If PLANTA demo data is installed, the standard users with PLANTA standard roles which it contains can be used, e.g., to get to know the program or for testing. A list of the standard users of PLANTA project and portfolio can be found here:
PLANTA project Demo user and roles
R41Multi-project management, Project management, Project management administration, Employee/work reporting
R47Management, Employee/Work Reporting
R45Management (particularly for use with the web client)
R49Project management administration, Employee/work reporting
R60Program Management, PM Administration, Employee/Work Reporting
R43Resource Management, Employee/Work Reporting
R1Employee/Work Reporting
R8Project Management, Employee/Work Reporting
R40Project Management, Employee/Work Reporting
R70Portfolio Management, Employee/Work Reporting

Further information on standard users, standard roles, and the modules they contain:

 See also: Create and Edit Roles, User Rights, Rights Management

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