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Edit Period MOD009BPO



  • Depending on the link you have clicked on in the Budget module before, either costs or effort of a year is displayed in detail and grouped by planning objects in this module.
    • In order to switch between cost and effort data or display all data, please switch to the respective module variant (see below).
  • Planning objects of the portfolio which do not contain data in the opened period are not displayed.


  • The traffic lights on the Deviation and % deviation fields on individual planning objects immediately signalize whether there is a cost or effort overrun compared to the budget of the respective planning object.
  • With the traffic lights directly on the planning object records, it is signalized whether
    • the budget of the respective planning object exceeds the portfolio budget (the planning object is gray) or does not exceed it (the planning object is blue)
    • the planning object is contained in several portfolios (orange). In this case, the budget of the planning object is not compared against the portfolio budget.
  • Via the Active checkbox next to the planning object, you can define whether the values of this planning object (except the values of the Approved column) are to be summarized to the portfolio. That way it can be checked how portfolio values change with or without the selected planning object.
  • Via the Approved checkbox you can define whether the budget in the Approved column of this project is approved, and if so, the approved values of the yearly tranche will be summarized upwards to the portfolio.
  • The priority can be changed manually in the Priority field. If the priority is changed, the order of the planning object within the corresponding area changes as well.


  • To see the effects of the changes made to the Active, Approved or Priority parameters, the portfolio must be updated in the module header bar by clicking on Refresh portfolio button.
  • If the planning object data is changed or new status reports are created and approved, the portfolio must also be updated in the same way.

Module variants

BaseDisplays both costs and effort
EffortDisplays effort only
CostsDisplays costs only
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