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  • PLANTA project offers an option to "bundle" projects with Program planning type. Under Definition of Planning Objects you will find information on further planning objects.
  • From a functional point of view, programs behave similar to main projects.
    • The structure of the respective editing or view modules equates to that of the project and only differs in the range of functions.
  • Only main projects can be assigned to a program. As a result, possibly existing subprojects are implicitly subordinate as well since their values are contained in the Budget, Effort, and Cost values of the main project.
  • When you use the PLANTA Portfolio component, you have to make sure that a project is not assigned to a program and to a portfolio at the same time.
  • Programs can be copied to the portfolios just like other planning objects.


  • Resource planning is not possible in the program schedules.


  • Programs can merely be regarded as a bundling option for projects. There are no automatic links and effects between the programs and the projects assigned to them.
    • E.g., programs can be closed or quit even if their projects have not been quit or closed.
    • Exceptions:
      • If the Schedule with gates checkbox is activated in a project which is assigned to a program, not only project gates but also program gates (i.e., all existing gates) are displayed in the Schedule module.
      • The Program status of an active program can only be changed to "Archive" or "Inactive" if all assigned projects are also set to "Archive" or "Inactive".

Customizing Information

  • Programs are saved in DT461, just like projects, and are classified by means of a new Type = 30.
    • This means that scheduling (calculation of the schedule) for programs behaves just like scheduling for projects.
  • For the assignment of projects to programs, the Dependency data table is used. Via a (new) code it is distinguished whether they are dependencies between projects or assignments to a program.

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