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Deviations MOD009AC1



  • In this module, the current project status can be compared to the status of already existing, released status reports.


  • When you open the Deviation module for the first time, the current planning data and the data from the most recent of the selected status reports is displayed. If the status reports have already been compared for the selected project, data of the last compared status report is loaded by default when you open the Deviation module.
  • If there are further released status reports in the project which are also approved for analysis, you can have them displayed in a dialog module via the Report selection button at the bottom margin of the Deviations module and select them for comparison.
    • Newly created and released status reports are also released for analysis by default and are automatically available in the report selection dialog module of the Deviations module for comparison purposes.
  • Click on the number of the required status report. The data of the report is displayed next to the current data of the project and can be compared.


  • The NEW traffic light indicates new tasks of the current schedule, i.e. tasks which had not existed in the schedule at the time of creation of the selected status report.
  • For tasks which are neither contained in the status report nor in the current planning, no traffic lights are displayed.
  • In the No longer available in the current plan area, tasks are displayed which had still existed in the schedule at the time of creation of the selected status report but which have already been removed from the current schedule.


  • If changes are made in other modules which have an impact on the data in the Deviations module while the Deviations module is running, the Refresh button is displayed at the bottom margin of the Deviations module, which
    • signalizes that there are changes which are not yet represented in the running Deviations module, and
    • is furthermore used to refresh the display in the module.

Module Variants

BaseOnly tasks the deviation values of which are > 0 or < 0 (indicated by red, yellow, or green traffic light) are displayed.
Tasks are displayed grouped by three criteria: end date, costs, and effort.
In every grouping area, only data of the respective grouping criterion is displayed for each task.
All end datesAll tasks of the project are displayed with end date values.
All effort dataAll tasks of the project are displayed with effort values.
All costsAll tasks of the project are displayed with cost values.

Legend Project

Requested dates
Requested start and Requested end are defined in the Key dates area in the respective core data module (Project Core Data, Idea Core Data, Proposal Core Data, Program Core Data).
calculated datesThe color of the bar is determined by the code of the planning object.
Code A
Code B
Code C
Code D
Code E

Calc. start and Calc. end of a planning object are determined during the calculation of the schedule (by clicking on the

menu item button).
You can define and change the code of the planning objects in the Edit Planning Objects module (for projects and proposals you can also do this in the Project Core Data and Proposal Core Data modules)

actual datesThe bar is hatched in white. The background color depends on the code of the planning object.

Actual start and Actual end (if available, otherwise Latest time recording date ) of a planning object. They are determined from the actual dates of the tasks (Actual start/Actual end) during the calculation of the schedule of the respective planning object (by clicking on the

menu item button).

Float available when the calculated end date (Calc. end) is earlier than the requested end date (Requested end).
A delay occurs when the calculated end date (Calc. end) is later than the requested end date (Requested end).
The delay bar immediately follows the bar for calculated dates and is customized with a color gradient so that the red color has various shades.
External links

Master Milestones

without delay
/ with delay
/ with actual end

Tasks are defined as master milestones in the Schedule module.
Master milestone delay
Master milestone delay exists if Calc. end of a master milestone is later than its Latest end.
Task requested dates
Requested start and Requested end of a task can be defined in the corresponding data fields in the Schedule module or they can be enetered directly in the bar chart.
Calculated dates of the tasks

Calc. start and Calc. end are calculated by clicking on the

Calculated schedule menu item button.
Uncritical means: Total float > 0
Critical means: Total float <= 0
Since in PLANTA project the definition of requested dates on tasks leads to Total float = 0, tasks which do not necessarily lie on the critical path can be critical as well.


master milestones

without Delay
with Delay
with actual end

Without delay means: Total float >= 0
With delay means: Total float < 0
Calculated dates of the summary tasks
A summary task is a task in the structured schedule consisting of sub-tasks which are summarized here. Information on the summary task, such as duration and dates, is determined automatically from the sub-tasks.
actual datesThe respective bars are white hatched if the Splitting parameter is deactivated, and gray hatched if the parameter is activated.

Actual start and, if available, Actual end, otherwise Latest time recording date of a task, are calculated from the respective dates of the resources assigned to the task by clicking on the

Calculate schedule menu item button or by setting them manually.

latest dates

Calc. start and Calc. end of a task are calculated by clicking on the

Calculated schedule menu item button.

Task delay
A delay exists if Calc. end of a master milestone is later than its Latest end.
Task overlapping
Overlapping = possible delay of task successor when using soft links. For further information, see here.
External links

External Tasks
Calculated dates of external tasks

Calc. start and Calc. end of the external tasks are calculated by clicking on the

Calculated schedule menu item button.
Uncritical means: Total float > 0
Critical means: Total float <= 0
Since in PLANTA project the definition of requested dates on tasks leads to Total float = 0, tasks which do not necessarily lie on the critical path can be critical as well.

Calculated dates of external summary tasks


Milestones/master milestones of the external summary tasks

without Delay
with Delay
with actual end

Without delay means: Total float >= 0
With delay means: Total float < 0

requested dates of external tasks

Requested start and Requested end are defined in the Key dates area in the respective core data module (Project Core Data, Idea Core Data, Proposal Core Data, Program Core Data).
Status Reports
Calculated dates from status report
Calc. start and Calc. end of the planning object from the selected status report.
Calculated dates of the tasks from the status report
Calculated dates of the tasks from the status report Calc. start and Calc. end of the tasks from the selected status report.
Calculated dates of the summary tasks from the status report
Calc. start and Calc. end of the summary tasks from the selected status report.


Milestones/master milestones of the tasks from the status report

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