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Hybrid Protocol MOD009DRA



  • Here, the requests of an object which are to be sent to an external system are protocoled.


  • The module shows all tasks/resource assignments from the schedule which are relevant for an external system. Next to the object, the
    icon is displayed which serves to open a protocol module with the actions recorded for the respective object: Hybrid Protocol Actions.
  • Via the protocol you can monitor how a synchronized record has been changed over time.


  • 1) The record was created with a POST with WBS code "1"
  • 2) The record was updated with a PUT and the WBS code was changed to "2".
  • 3) The record was refreshed again and the task name was changed from "Test Task" to "Task 2".


  • If a request is repeated and the same error is triggered, no new record is created but the most recent record is updated. A new record is only created if something changes in the transmission.

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