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Budget Project


  • In PLANTA project, the budget of a project is planned, requested, and approved with adherence to cost type, based on the costs calculated in the project.

Wo kann man ein Projekt budgetieren?

In the Budget module of the required project

You can open the project a) by opening a dialog window via the Extras → Go to menu or via CTRL + G and entering the ID of the required project or b) by clicking on the link on the ID of the required project in any module. Subsequently, click on the Budget module tab.

Wer darf Projekte budgetieren?

All users who have access to the Budget module and modification rights for projects. These are, in PLANTA standard, managers of the respective project, their deputies, or multi-project managers. For further information on rights, please click here.


  • In the Schedule module, the project manager plans person resources and their effort directly on the tasks. In the Master Data, conversion factors for monetary conversion of effort are stored on each resource. If you calculate the schedule of a project in the Schedule module, the effort planned on the resources will be converted into costs on the basis of conversion factors.
  • Besides person resources, the project manager can also plan special cost and revenue resources on the tasks, which can then be use to directly record costs or revenues on the tasks.
  • The costs determined in the calculation of the schedule will be displayed distributed to cost types per year in the Budget module. The project manager can use the calculated costs as a basis for requesting the project budget. He/she requests the costs in the Budget module.
  • The multi-project manager or another person responsible for budget approval who possesses the respective rights can then approve the requested budget in the Budget module.
  • All approved budget values can then be adopted as project budget.


  • Copy the calculated costs from the Total (w/o SP) column in the Budget module to the Requested (w/o SP) column by clicking on the left arrow above the Requested (w/o SP) column. All costs of all cost type groups will then automatically be copied to the Requested (w/o SP) column.
    • If you only want to request the values of individual cost type group classes, copy the required value via Drag&Drop from the Total (w/o SP) field to the Requested (w/o SP) field in the line of the required cost type group.
  • Submit all requested costs for approval: To do so, click on the arrow above the Requested (w/o SP) column. All requested values will automatically be copied to the Approved (w/o SP) column. You can also copy the required values manually to the individual Approved (w/o SP) fields via Drag&Drop.
  • The requested budget is always approved on a yearly basis. To do so, activate the checkbox in the line of the year. The button will be framed in green, all fields of the Approved (w/o SP) column will be set to output. The budget is now approved.
  • Subsequently, copy all approved budget values to the Budget (w/o SP) column using the right arrow button above the column.

It is also possible to create budgets without approval process directly in the Budget (o.TP) column or to create the budget on the basis of costs set out in the baseline. In the description of the Budget module you will find additional detailed explanations. A detailed description of different use cases for project budgeting with clear illustrations can be found here.

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