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Skill Resource Planning



  • In this module, the planning of the resources is displayed by skills. The effort of individual resources can be rescheduled or distributed.
  • If particular skills are planned in projects as skill resources, such skill resources will be displayed here as well and their effort can then be distributed to the individual employee resources.

Access Rights

  • Only skills and resources are displayed which the current user is allowed to see according to his/her access rights.
    • This means that the user may have access to a particular skill but not to all resources of this skill. Then only resources which the user is allowed to see are displayed.
    • If the user has access to a particular skill, neither this skill nor the resource assigned to the skill are displayed in the Resources module, even if the user has access to the resource.


  • After opening the module, the required skill must be selected from the listbox. All resources assigned to the skill are grouped by the Primary skill attribute.
  • The utilization diagrams (histograms) show the utilization of the resources by project code. At skill level, the accumulated utilization of all resources assigned to this skill is displayed.
  • The resource utilization is compared in the utilization diagram, the resource utilization is compared to the resource availability (see Legend).
  • The number area below the resource diagrams shows:
    • the planned utilization in % (line 1),
    • the planned utilization in absolute numbers (line 2),
    • the available capacity (line 3).
      • All number specifications are summarized specifications (selected resource + all of its child resources), just like the diagram itself.
      • There is a traffic light implemented on the field with the percentage utilization which switches to red as soon as the overload has been detected (utilization over 100%) (see Legend).
  • By clicking on the link in the Project or Task field you switch to the Dashboard or Task module.

Distribute Planning

  • Select the source resource (the resource the effort of which is to be reduced) and expand the tree structure.
  • All projects and tasks for which this resource is scheduled are displayed.
    • The tasks are displayed sorted by their calculated end dates (Calc. end).
  • For the required project, add a new resource to which the effort from the source resource is to be distributed. To do so,
    • right-click on the project and select the Insert → New resource context menu command. or
    • click on the plus button.
      • Select the target resource from the listbox in the inserted line in the Resource name field.
        • If the logged-on user is allowed to access the resources of other departments (see (39.5.21-en) Rights Management#Ressourcen32), they will be available for selection as target resources in the resource listbox as well.
  • Enter the effort value to be distributed in the value to be distributed field.
  • Click on the Distribute effort button. (The button is located at the bottom left margin of the module.)
  • Confirm the Distribute resource effort? message with Yes.
  • The effort values of the source and target resource will be changed.


  • Currently, the distribution of the effort from a resource with a PM_load profile can only be carried out manually in the Schedule module.
  • If the value to be distributed is too high, the following message will be displayed: The initial value to be distributed has been exceeded.
  • After distribution, the module will be refreshed and the current values will be displayed.
  • If you mark one or several tasks, only the effort of the resources of the marked tasks is distributed.
  • In the task line in the Remaining effort, Actual effort, Calc. start and Calc. end fields, effort and dates of the resource assignment will be displayed.
Legend: Histogram
Planned load (remaining load) of the resource(s) in projectsThe color of the bar is determined by the code of the projects.
Code A
Code B
Code C
Code D
Code E
The code is defined in the Project Core Data of the respective project.
The values for the histogram bars are each calculated from the Summarized planned code 1 to Summarized planned code 5 columns.
Actual load of the resource(s)
The values for the histogram bar will be determined from the Summarized used column from the period records of the resource(s) (DT468). The values in the period records again stem from the time recording of the resources (DT472).
Available capacity of the resource(s)
The values for the histogram bar will be determined from the Summarized available capacity column from the period records of the resource(s) (DT468). The value in DT468, however, comes from the general Available capacity defined for the resource in the Resource Data Sheet.
The limiting line at the top of the bar will remain visible despite of overlapping by load data.
Basic load of the resource(s)
The values for the histogram bar will be determined from the Basic load (factor value 3) column from the period records of the resource(s) (DT468). The value in DT468, however, comes from the general Available capacity defined for the resource in the Resource Data Sheet.
The limiting line at the top of the bar will remain visible despite of overlapping by load data.


Overload of the resource
The overload percentage value displayed in the red bar or the absolute overload displayed as a red number will be determined from the availability of the resource (Summarized available capacity) and its planned loads (Summarized planned).
Legend: Bar diagram (project/task/resource)
Task requested dates
Requested start and Requested end of a task are defined in the Schedule module.
Calculated dates of the selected resource for the selected task in the selected project.Upper part of the bar:
The color of the bar is determined by the code of the respective project
For the meaning of the individual code colors, see the histogram legend.

Lower part of the bar:
task uncritical
task critical

Calc. start and Calc. end of a resource in a task (resource assignment) are calculated by clicking on the

Calculate schedule menu item button or by selecting the respective menu item.

Uncritical means: Total float > 0
Critical means: Total float <= 0
Since in PLANTA project the definition of requested dates on tasks leads to Total float = 0, tasks which do not necessarily lie on the critical path can be critical as well.

Actual dates of the selected resource for the selected task in the selected project.The bar is hatched in white.Actual start and last Latest time recording date of a resource in a task (resource assignment) will be calculated from the recorded hours worked of the corresponding resource (DT472) or they are edited manually.
Latest task dates

Latest start and Latest end of a task are calculated by clicking on the

Calculate schedule menu item button in the toolbar or by selecting the respective menu item.

Task delay
A delay exists if Calc. end of a master milestone is later than its Latest end.

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