Adaptive Cards
In the following topic you will find general information on Adaptive Cards.
To be able to use Adaptive Cards, the
requirements for using Adaptive Cards must be met in PLANTA project,
the Adaptive Cards function must be activated in the Global Settings module.
Adaptive Cards offer PLANTA project users a function that enables the exchange of data and information between the PLANTA system and external applications and services.
The visual adaptation of Adaptive Cards to the respective host system increases user-friendliness.
Adaptive cards are often used to notify other project team members.
Users who receive notifications in the form of Adaptive Cards can usually respond to them immediately and, e.g.,
approve a process step or
Correct working time postings.
In the PLANTA system, Adaptive Cards are contained for the following functions by default:
In the Adaptive Cards Customizer, users with customizing rights can make individual changes to Adaptive Cards.