Administration Overview
- This topic contains an alphabetical overview of some of the most important administrative features of PLANTA pulse and links to the documentation.
- You can also find explanations of the terms in the glossary for PLANTA pulse.
- An overview of the application features can be found here.
- For the following administration tasks we will assume the required IT knowledge and the global admin rights in the system.
Manage users
- Create users
- Edit users
- Invite user(s)
- Define user as inactive
- Restrictions for external users
- Edit e-mail address of a user
Manage boards
System Settings
- Exclude time recording activities from e-mail notifications
- Custom system colors
- Change format template for time recording comments (Hybrid)
- Disable Comment Editing
- User limit
- (De)activate self registration
- System-wide announcement
- Upload settings
- Enable linking of boards and cards
- Allow moving and copying of cards to other projects
- Display time recording of all users
Manage projects