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Known/Fixed Issues

The known issues listed below are either merely technical or they concern the installation or update of PLANTA project. Further known issues can be found in the following documentation areas:

Known Issues


ProblemNew fromFixed from
The hidden planta.migration_scripts_to_ignore parameter does currently not work for packets in the after_db_import migration directory
S 39.5.21

Known Issues with Solution

Error message: AttributeError: 'Environment' object has no attribute 'PanelManager (01/01/22)

In individual IronPython CU, the afore mentioned error may occur

  • Reason:
    • The problem arises because an old internal client function is accessed here which no longer exists under this name.
  • Solution:
    • To work around the problem you have to use "PanelsList" from the Public API instead.

Error message when importing the database under oracle

  • Reason:
    • At the time of installation, there must be no synonyms for the database user (whether public or private). See also Installation Parameters.
  • Solution:
    • Disable or delete synonyms.
      • At runtime it is permitted. However, if data Is to be imported at a later point in time (e.g. in the course of a DB update), the synonyms must be deactivated.

Reading out CLOB fields under MSSQL 2012 fails

Reading out CLOB fields directly via SQL works under MSSQL 2008, under MSSQL 2012 the result is empty.

Example: CLOB fields can therefore not be read out under MSSQL 2012

sql = """
    select  di051831 as python_id,
            di051828 as alpha120,
            di051867 as description,
            di058129 as template_code
    from    dt333
    where   len(di058129) > 2
result = ppms.db_select(sql)

Example: Read out CLOB fields under MSSQL 2012

sql = """
    select  di051831 as python_id,
            di051828 as alpha120,
            cast(di051867 as varchar(8000)) as description,
            cast(di058129 as varchar(8000)) as template_code
    from    dt333
    where   len(di058129) > 2
result = ppms.db_select(sql)

SetObsoletePacketToSucceed packet turns "yellow” after update

When updating from DB 39.5.7 (only MSSQL) to a later database version, it may occur that the SetObsoletePacketToSucceed packet is marked yellow, i.e. as "waiting".

  • In this case please run the FixLoadAutoNumber and SetObsoletePacketToSucceed packets manually in this very sequence.

Error message in database import

When importing the database, an error message occurs: WARN session=global o.d.database.DatabaseTableMetaData - No columns found for table 'DT411' that are supported by dbunit. Will return an empty column list

  • Solution:

For this solution, S 39.5.19 is required.

The PLANTA service is not restarted automatically

  • Reason:
    • Depending on the operating system, the specified paths in the standard configuration of the Service Wrapper (yajsw) must be adjusted from time to time.
  • Solution: Adjust the path in the [ServerDirectory]/yajsw/conf/linux.conf file:
    • default: wrapper.daemon.run_level_dir = /rcX.d
See also: YAJSW Documentation

Blurry font under Windows Server 2008 and Windows 7

The use of PLANTA under Windows versions Server 2008 and 7 results in fuzzy typeface. The reason for this is that the Roboto font used in PLANTA is not installed in these Window versions.

  • Solution: Replace the Roboto font by a common font, e.g. Arial, in the \Resources\defaultSkingSettings file in the GlobalFontName:Roboto line in the Client directory.

Known Issues after Migration

Conversion of UF() to SQL VR in value ranges

  • Some value ranges refer to data tables that no longer exist.
    • For detailed information, see the MIG_LOG migration protocol data table.
  • Some UF() value ranges do not work using the index (DI 000242).
    • Migration routine generates the correct SQL value range

Visual Display

  • Data fields and buttons in 39 are visualized differently than in 3.8.
  • Buttons are visualized according to the Windows display scheme.
    • As a result, data fields and buttons may overlap in migrated form areas.

Background DIs in headings

In fixed headings, background DIs are visualized.

  • Reason: This is an update command which is a characteristic of I-texts.
  • Solution: Set the value of (ALT+0160) to the heading DI if the DI is the same as the background DI and the heading is not filled.

Fixed Issues

Unresolved conflicts for deleted objects (resolved with DB 39.5.19)

  • When updating to DB 18, conflicts of objects which were deleted are still displayed as "unresolved conflicts" in the overview module.

Login error in systems with DB 39.5.17 and 39.5.18 (1/9/2023) (resolved with DB 39.5.19)

After installation or update to version DB 39.5.17 or DB 39.5.18, the following message is displayed when you try to log on to the system: "Number range for auto. numbers has been used up: DI027984"

  • Reason:
    • The automatic number definition in DT404 is incorrect.
  • Solution:
    • The counter value of DT404 must only contain entries with six digits. This means that the counter value must be configured as follows:
      • Number construction rule = ;;;$$$$$$
      • Counter value = here, a maximum of six digits must be entered (cut the first digits of the number if necessary)
      • Counter from = 000001
      • Counter to = 999999

Project creation not possible after updating to DB 39.5.17 (resolved with DB 39.5.18)

After updating to DB 39.5.17, no projects can be created under MSSQL.

  • Reason:
    • Failure of the AddUUIDtoProjectStructure migration packet during update
  • Solution: Please run the following script on the database: fix_project_structure_table.sql


  • Fixed in DB 39.5.18 with the FixProjectStructureTable migration packet

Problems after update when using web interfaces (resolved with S 39.5.30)

If you use web interfaces, you currently (prospectively up to S 39.5.30) have to exchange the Serviceprovider.jar after update to a newer release (DB or server).

  • The file to be exchanged can be found in the server directory under /jars/webservice_infrastructure.
  • The new file for exchanging can be found on PLANTA transfer server in the Serviceprovider.jar folder.
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