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Die nachfolgenden Inhalte sind nur in englischer Sprache verfügbar.


  • The following parameters can be set in the
    • command line or
    • planta.ini
  • All parameters must be defined in lowercase.
  • The settings in the command line overwrite settings from planta.ini.


command lineplanta.exe server = planta4:21345E.g. useful in Windows shortcuts
File planta.ini is located in the directory of the planta.exe
  • Binary file (planta.exe) can be started directly.
  • Or default Parameters can be set for several server instances that uses the same client.
  • Additional characters like spaces or quotes are not stripped and should thus be avoided.
ParameterValuesDefault ValueExampleDescriptionAvailable from


A service record in DNS
srv=_ppms_productionClient will connect to the server referenced by the given service record in DNS
server<host name or IP address>:<port number>
Client will connect to the given server and IP
  • It is possible to add more than one server. The server used is selected randomly.


0 , 1, 2, protocol1log=protocol
Possible (Client) loglevels are:
  • 0: no log
  • 1: support log
  • 2: programmers log
  • protocol: support log, programmers log and protocol dump of the XML client<>server
The Client logfiles can be found under %client folder%/Log if no other path is specified in the working_folder parameter.

This folder is created when it is missing, logging is activated and the user starts the Client for the first time.

exploretrue, falsefalseexplore=true
Shows all the XML messages in the client (must be used with log=protocol)
  • CTRL+double click unfolds a node and all of its children
  • SHIFT+double click opens a node in your favorite XML viewer
This is a debug parameter and for internal use only.


true, falsefalseencrypted=true

Communicates with server using encrypted SSL protocol. PLANTA recommends that you use PLANTA secure.


(no space)

The Client will send an XML to the server in the following form:


These values are stored in system variable @83 on the part of the server


true, falsefalsecredential_manager=trueEnable password credentials on the part of the client.
close_on_server_disconnecttrue, falsefalseclose_on_server_disconnect=trueIf this parameter has value "true", the Client is automatically closed upon server crash or network error
authenticationkerberoskerberosauthentication=kerberosUse Kerberos authentication on the part of the Client
spn=PLANTA/planta_server@PLANTA.deKerberos service principal name (SPN) used in authentication


true, falsetruecompressed=falseOptional parameter that enables compression


{0..9}6compress_level=9Compression level defines the level of compression: 0 for no compression, 9 for best compression
enable_exec_python_scripttrue, falsetrueenable_exec_python_script=falseAllows to deactivate the processing of client_exec()/server_exec() API calls
reuse_client_instancetrue, falsefalsereuse_client_instance=true

Prevents multiple clients from being opened for the same server. If this parameter is set to "true" and a client is opened for a server for which there is already an existing client with this very parameter, then the existing client will be focused and the reuse_client_instance() method in will be called with the value of the individual_parameters parameter.

If the client is opened via an Application Link, this parameter will always be treated as if it were set to "true".


Name of the configuration file in the registryallows to refer to a configuration defined in the registry

active_border_colorHex Color Code
active_border_color=#FFFFFFTabs and frame color of an active module
caption_text_colorHex Color Code
caption_text_color=#808000Font color of module tab

get_domain_info (bool)

true, falsefalse

If this parameter is true, then the Client will add information on the domain to the handshake message
This parameter will be removed in one of the upcoming Client versions.

get_credential_info (bool)

true, falsefalse

If this parameter is true, then the Client will add information on credentials to the handshake message
This parameter will be removed in one of the upcoming Client versions.

distributor=pl-chIf the value of "pl-ch" is selected, the website address of PLANTA Switzerland will be displayed in the program background


true, falsetrue

If this parameter is set to false, the dynamic OLE resizing functionality will be disabled.
It is planned to implement the dynamic OLE resizing functionality as default in an upcoming Client release. From that release on, this parameter will no longer be supported.

client_dragndroptrue, falsetrueclient_dragndrop=falseIf this parameter is false, the drag&drop functionality on the part of the Client will be disabled and the old implementation on the part of the server will be enabled, so that the Undo functionality for Drag&Drop field to field will not work.
autologintrue, falsefalseautologin=true

If the user and password parameters are specified but the autologin is false, the user data fields in the login box will be filled with the defined parameters. However, to log in, the user has to confirm by pressing Enter or clicking OK. If autologin is set to "true" and the user and password parameters are defined, the Client will log in the user automatically.


Define a user name which will be applied to the user text field in the login dialog window

Define a password for a given user which will be inserted in the user text field in the login dialog window
keepaliveint value, possible 1-90060keepalive=300Defines how long the server will keep the connection to the Client after the last received message
mutualtrue, falsetruemutual=falseEnables mutual ssl authentication


folder path; environmental variables can be used

Defines a path where the Log and OLE folders will be created

Using the "reuse_client_instance" Parameter

  • The reuse_client_instance parameter prevents multiple clients from being opened for the same server connection.
  • It only works if the server/port combination is written into the command line parameter or into planta.ini.
  • The parameter needs to be True when you open the client and needs to remain True for every subsequent client.
  • If you try to open the 2nd client, the first one will be focused and the reuse_client_instance() method under /Lib/Main/customer/session/ or /Lib/Earth/customer/session/ will be executed.
  • When the function is called it has 2 parameters: individual_parameter which contains the value of the individual_parameters client parameter and window_handle which is the handle to the client window.
  • This method can be overwritten by changing the file. If you update to a newer client version, you need to modify the updated file again.


  • An external application contains all the projects in PLANTA project.
  • A user wants to switch quickly from this application to a specific project in PLANTA project.
  • The external application can be modified to contain a hyperlink via which the PLANTA application can be called with a specific individual_parameters value which contains an identifier of the project that is known to PLANTA project.
  • The can be modified to use this value to look up the project in PLANTA and to open the project workflow.
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