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DB 39.5.18



  • For an update to database version DB 39.5.18, it is absolutely essential that you also update the server to version S 39.5.31.
  • The update of this combination is only possible from version 39.5.17 on.
  • Directly after installation or update to DB 39.5.18, you have to carry out these follow-up processings:
    • Adjust the counter value of DT404 since otherwise a Python error message is displayed during login. For further information, see Known Issues.
    • Replace the file in the server directory under /py/api/ppms/customizing/venus/ppms/ by this file: For further information, see Known Issues.
    • Extract the following zip file in the /migration/customizing folder: Ressourcenzuordnungen_lö For further information, see Known Issues.
  • If you would like to use a hybrid PLANTA system, please note that PLANTA project version 39.5.18 requires PLANTA pulse version 35 or higher.
  • Since release DB 39.5.17, PLANTA offers a new Online Help. If you update from a release < DB 39.5.17 and want to continue to use context sensitive help directly from within your system (F1/F2), you have to make sure that the PLANTA project application server has access to (IP address:
  • If you have any questions, please contact your PLANTA consultant.
PLANTA project/portfolio and PLANTA Hybrid

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