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DB 39.5.21


Specific System Requirements

  • Before updating to DB 39.5.21 under Oracle you have to grant access to DBMS_CRYPTO: GRANT EXECUTE ON SYS.DBMS_CRYPTO TO <user>

  • Since release DB 39.5.17, PLANTA offers a new Online Help. If you update from a release < DB 39.5.17 and want to continue to use context sensitive help directly from within your system (F1/F2), you have to make sure that the PLANTA project application server has access to (IP address:

Notes on update sources and component dependencies

  • A direct update to version DB 39.5.20 is possible from source versions DB 39.5.14 or earlier. If you use an earlier version, you first have to update to version DB 39.5.14 and subsequently to version DB 39.5.20.

  • For an update to database DB 39.5.21, it is absolutely essential that you also update the server to version S 39.5.34 and the client to version C 39.5.33.

  • If you work with hybrid systems, please note that PLANTA project version 39.5.21 requires at least PLANTA pulse version 40.

If you have any questions, please contact your PLANTA consultant.

PLANTA project/portfolio and PLANTA Hybrid

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