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Descriptions for Log Messages



  • Markers are used in PLANTA Server for log message separation by topics.
  • Messages can be "coloured" using markers; e.g. the marker "operative" is attached to log messages that are considered important for operators of PLANTA Server.
  • Markers can contain references to other markers; when filtering for a marker (e.g. "operative"), markers with a reference to this marker match additionally.
  • PLANTA Server has a static set of markers which is shown in the following.
  • Markers that are shown as children of others in fact have references to the "parent" marker.

Static marker set

  • operative
    • database
    • schema_mapping
  • logging
  • system_customizing
    • schema_mapping
  • module_customizing
  • user_admin
  • project_admin
  • project_data


Log Message IDLevelMarkerDescriptionCause(s)TODO
0100001ERRORoperativeexception came up that was not caught

contact PLANTA
0100002WARNdatabasetransaction handling failurebug, database outagescheck database connectivity
0100003ERRORoperativeunexpected exceptionbug, side effect of infrastructure problemscheck exception stack trace
0100004WARNdatabaseDatabase operation failure(customizing) bug, database outagescheck database connectivity, check customizing
0100005ERRORschema_mappingsevere differences betweeen system customizing and servermigration/update failurecheck migration status
0100006WARNdatabaseQuery handling failure(customizing) bugcheck customizing
0100007WARNschema_mappingproblems while building the data dictionarycustomizing bug (e.g. by migration/update failure)check customizing/migration steps
0100008WARNschema_mappingnon-fatal failure while building the table mappingcustomizing bug (e.g. by migration/update failure)check customizing/migration steps
0100009WARNsystem_customizingwrong db dialect was given when trying to start the schema exportcustomizing bugprovide legal db dialect
0100010ERRORoperativeunexpected exception during schema export
contact PLANTA
0100011WARNschema_mappingforeign key customizing for the specified table brokentable customizingcheck relation customizing
0100012ERRORdatabaseDB connection/hibernate is wrongly cofiguredwrong configurationcheck db/hibernate configuration
0100013ERRORschema_mappingtable definitions prevent successful (re)configuration of hibernatesystem customizingcheck table definitions
0100014WARNschema_mappingdifferences between system customizing and serversystem customizingcheck migration/system customizing
0100015WARNsystem_customizingcolumn names are not uniquesystem customizingcheck column name definition
0100016WARNschema_mappingno primary key is given for thze specified table thus it is not usable in PLANTAsystem customizingadd primary key if the table is needed
0100017WARNschema_mappingunhandled object typesystem customizing bugcheck DI type definition
0100018WARNschema_mappingincompatible object type (integer/string)system customizingcheck DI type definition (and value range)
0100019ERRORschema_mappingfatal problem in generated table mapping?contact PLANTA, provide stack trace
0100020INFOoperativestarted the servers monitoring interface

0100021WARNloggingBug in native logging implementationserver bugcontact PLANTA
0100022ERRORoperativeconfiguration errors exist, initialization of server will be stopped.configuration errorcheck configuration files/additional arguments
0100023INFOoperativelogging system was successfully initialized

0100024WARNdatabaseListeners for specific DB events were not successfully registeredDB configuration/server bugcontact PLANTA
0100025INFOdatabaseStarting Initialization of the database/hibernate subsystem

0100026INFOoperativeLoading native libraries succeeded

0100027INFOoperativeStarting initialization of the native interface for DB access

0100028INFOdatabase(Re-) Starting initialization of the data dictionary which is needed for running client sessions

0100029INFOoperativeWill create new session, e.g. for handling a new client connection

0100030INFOoperativeindicates that the server is running w.r.t. handling (further) client connections

0100031WARNoperativethe network socket the server needs for handling client connections has closed unexpectedlynetwork/OS failurerestart service
0100032WARNoperativean unsupported virtual memory limit is configured on the operating system the server runs onOS restrictionremove the limit, more information
0100033ERRORdatabasehibernate initialization faileddb connection failurecheck db connection
0100034WARNoperativemonitoring interface could not be initialized/startedconfiguration/oscheck monitoring configuration
0100035INFOoperativestatus messages regarding migration package execution

0100036ERRORoperativemigration failure because of missing start scriptinstallation failureverify that the python folder is correctly installed
0100037INFOoperativeconnection to the kerberos service succeeded

0100038ERRORoperativeconnection to the kerberos service failedkerberos configuration failurecheck kerberos configuration (PLANTA Server and kerberos service)
0100039INFOoperativerestarting the server; no handling of incoming client connections until restart has finished

0100040INFOoperativeshutting down the server; running sessions will be stopped (client connections are closed)

0100041INFOoperativestopping the server; no handling of incoming connections, while running sessions stay functional

0100042INFOoperativeindicates a session was started

0100043ERRORoperativean unexpected failure occured in a sessionserver bugcheck exception, inform PLANTA
0100044INFOoperativeindicates a session was closed regularly

0100045WARNoperativesession lookup failed: the session could not be found in the session managment dictionaryserver bug, lookup with wrong session keycheck requested session key
0100046WARNoperativewhen trying to shutdown the server, not all sessions could be stopped

0100047INFOoperativeUser canceled queryUser pressed escape while a huge query was running
0100048WARNoperativeSystem canceled huge queryA query, returning a very large number of records, which was canceled to reduce memory usageSee the exact message: Either update customizing to return fewer records, or raise the system variable that defines this limit (either G80109 or G80110)
0100060INFOlogginga planta service is starting up

0100061INFOlogginga planta service is shutting down

0100062WARNloggingnon-critical unexpected behaviour in planta service

0100063ERRORoperativea planta service could not be started or a critical error occured that brought it down
check exception, inform PLANTA
0100070INFOlogginga scheduling session is starting

0100071INFOlogginga scheduling session is ending

0100072WARNloggingnon-critical unexpected behaviour in scheduling session

0100073ERRORoperativea scheduling session could not be started or a critical error occured that brought it down
check exception, inform PLANTA
0100074INFOeventsan interface function is called between Java and Jython

0100075WARNeventsan interface function created a warning either in Java or in Jython
check log file, inform PLANTA
0100076ERROReventsan interface function created a critical error
check exception, inform PLANTA
0100077INFOoperativeinformation about the license check

0100078WARNoperativethe license check created a warning
check log file, inform PLANTA
0100079ERRORoperativethe license check created an error occured that brought it down
check exception, inform PLANTA
0100080INFOoperativeinformation about an thread

0100081INFOsecureinformation about the buildin secure interface

0100082INFOoperativeinformation about schema creation

0100083INFOdatabaseinformation about DB export

0100084INFOdatabaseinformation about schema export

0100085ERRORsecurean error occured configuring secure

0100086DEBUGlogginga debug message


Log Message IDLevelMarkerDescriptionTODO
0200001WARNsystem_customizingunable to load data itemsmake sure the system is properly set up
0200002ERRORoperativecritical error during server startupcontact PLANTA
0200003ERRORoperativecritical error during user session led to termination of the servercheck EXIT_ON_EXCEPTION parameter in planta_server.conf, contact PLANTA
0200004WARNoperativecritical error during user session left the server runningcheck EXIT_ON_EXCEPTION parameter in planta_server.conf, contact PLANTA
0200005ERRORoperativeout of memorycheck administrative limits wrt. memory consumption, add more RAM to the (physical or virtual) machine
0200006ERRORoperativethe license number specified in planta_server.conf cannot be found in the databasemake sure the database is properly set up, check PPMS_LICENSE parameter in planta_server.conf
0200007WARNoperativeclient connection: keepalive timeout exceededcheck network connectivity of the machine
0200008WARNoperativeclient connection: socket errorcheck network connectivity of the machine
0200009WARNoperativehibernate exception occurred due to database errorcheck exception message, database connectivity
0200010INFOoperativea session thread is exiting
0200011WARNuser_adminuser interface skin not foundcheck user account configuration
0200012INFOproject_dataexternal link is being ignored since the referred project is not activeif the link is to be considered, the referred project needs to be activated
0200013WARNproject_adminmultiple active models found, there should be only onemake sure the desired model is the only one set to 'active'
libz encountered an internal error while (de)compressing a client messagecontact PLANTA
libiconv encountered an internal error while transcoding textcontact PLANTA
libiconv encountered an internal error while looking up a required encodingcontact PLANTA
0200017WARNsystem_customizingauto number construction rule and maximum value do not matchfix auto number customizing
0200018WARNsystem_customizingdata item has illegal data typefix data item customizing, assing proper data type
0200019WARNsystem_customizingdata item has illegal numeric type sizefix data item customizing, assing proper data type
0200020WARNsystem_customizingdata item has no data type setfix data item customizing, assing proper data type
0200021WARNsystem_customizingdata table has invalid ACR positionfix data table customizing, check DB pos. of its data items, assign proper ACR position
0200022WARNmodule_customizingaggregation type is incompatible with data item's data typecheck data field customizing, assign sensible aggregation type or choose proper data item
0200023WARNsystem_customizingchosen menu item not implementedfix menu item customizing
0200024INFOuser_adminno OS user login requested by client
0200025INFOuser_admincould not find user account with requested OS user setif OS user logon is desired, check user account configuration
0200026WARNuser_adminfound multiple user accounts with requested OS user set, must be uniquecheck user account configuration
0200027WARNmodule_customizingscale-bound data field encountered without a corresponding horizontal scalecheck data field customizing
could not find any record referring to hyperlink, resulting in orphaned hyperlink
error writing BLOB into databasecheck database error message, contact PLANTA
error looking up BLOB by IDcontact PLANTA
data item number out of bounds, must range from 1..999999fix python macro or value range
data item with specified number does not existfix python macro or value range
data item with specified python id does not exist in specified data tablefix python macro or value range
data item with specified number belongs to another data tablefix python macro or value range
error compiling python codefix python macro or value range
error running python codefix python macro or value range
while reenabling auto-commit behaviour, a missing commit was enforcedensure all macros performing transactional database modifications do proper transaction handling
while exiting a python context, the previous auto-commit state was restoredensure all macros setting auto-commit behaviour restore the previous state prior to returning
a commit statement was ignored since no transaction was runningcheck transactional behaviour of database-modifying macros
a rollback statement was ignored since no transaction was runningcheck transactional behaviour of database-modifying macros
unhandled python exceptionfix python macro or value range
error running python file while applying migration packagescontact PLANTA
0200043WARNsystem_customizingcheckInput() method of python value range dit not return a boolean valuefix python value range
code assertion failedcontact PLANTA
0200045WARNsystem_customizingdata table without a primary key relationfix data table customizing
0200046WARNuser_adminlogin failed
0200047WARNuser_adminmandatory password change failed
data dictionary initialization failedcheck system customizing, contact PLANTA
0200049WARNsystem_customizingruntime check identified a problem in the area of system customizingcheck system customizing, contact PLANTA
0200050WARNcustomizingcircular references in dynamic variablescheck module and/or dynamic variable customizing
conversion to smaller numeric data type, value exceeds the destination's rangecontact PLANTA
0200052WARNsystem_customizingerror compiling value rangecheck data item customizing
0200053INFOuser_adminunable to load user rolescheck user accounts and roles
0200054INFOuser_adminunable to load work fieldscheck work fields
0200055INFOuser_adminunable to load menu itemscheck menu items
0200056WARNmodule_customizingpanel layout configuration exceeds width of database column
0200057INFOuser_adminunable to load user accountcheck user account
0200058INFOmodule_customizingredundant aggregation on primary key column ignoredcheck module customizing, remove aggregation flag from data area
conflicting BLOB insertion
conflicting BLOB modification
0200061INFOoperativein response to a critical fault, a coredump will be writtencheck coredump settings in server configuration files, contact PLANTA
0200062INFOoperativecoredump written successfullycheck coredump settings in server configuration files, contact PLANTA
0200063WARNoperativefailed to write coredumpcheck coredump settings in server configuration files, contact PLANTA
0200064WARNoperativefailed to execute migration scriptexecute migration scripts manually, and contact PLANTA
0200065WARNoperativeunable to parse XML message, contents will be ignoredcontact PLANTA
0200066WARNoperativeCould not cancel huge query because module assigned to query could not be determined
0200067WARNoperativeprotocol feature ExecutePythonScript (client_exec()/server_exec()) is disabledupdate customizing to use the secure rpc implementation
0200068ERRORoperativesignal or SEH exception was caught, logged with stack trace if possiblecontact PLANTA
0200069WARNmodule_customizingencountered link DF without a matching DA to be linkedadd DA or DF to be linked, or remove spurious link DF
0200070WARNsystem_customizingreused data prevents destruction of the old session dictionaryclose the current session and log in again
0200071INFOoperativeMigration: Starting ...
0200072INFOoperativeMigration done
Stale Protocol Buffer response with requestId equal to the one about to be sentcontact PLANTA
0200074ERRORoperativeCould not execute session binarycheck server directory contents and permissions, esp. within 'dlls'; contact PLANTA


Log Message IDLevelMarkerDescriptionTODO
0300001ERRORmigrationMigration failed because of Python errorCheck the printed traceback for the Python error and fix it
0300002INFOmigrationSummary of failed migration packetsCheck the migration packets for manual tasks that need to be done

PLANTA link Webservices

All PLANTA link webservice log messages have the marker "webservices"

Log Message IDLevelDescriptionTODO
0600001INFONew request incoming
0600002ERRORAn internal error has occured while processing a requestCheck the log for further information
0600003INFOA request has completed
0600005ERRORA request has concluded, but the logger for this request could not be cleaned up
0600006ERRORThe request header for the current request could not be found in the database. The request log in PLANTA won't be updated
0600007ERRORA request has concluded, but the request header could not be cleaned up
0600008ERRORAn internal request was received, but the url is malformedCheck the calling code
0600009INFOThe new request was identified as an internal request
0600010ERRORAn internal request was received, but no implementation existsCheck the calling code
0600011ERRORThe given attributes of the request lack mandatory attributesProvide the mandatory attributes in the request
0600012ERRORThe given attributes of the request contain superfluous attributesRemove the additional attributes from the request
0600013INFOReturning {} characters
0600014INFOThe request found no data
0600016INFO<x> objects will be updated by this request
0600017ERRORThe data sent in this request could not be saved
0600018ERRORThe task referenced in the request is locked
0600019ERRORThe project referenced in the request is locked
0600020ERRORThe load record referenced in the request is locked
0600021ERRORThe resources maximum hours for that day have been reached
0600022ERRORLoad records can not be created past the current week
0600023ERRORLoad records can not be created outside the reporting period
0600024ERRORThe record specified in the request could not be updated as it is not synchronized with PLANTA pulse
0600025ERRORThe record specified in the request could not be deleted as it is not synchronized with PLANTA pulse
0600026INFOEvents initialized successfully
0600027ERRORThe project referenced in the request is finished
0600028ERRORThe task referenced in the request is finished
0600029ERRORLoad records can not be created with a negative actual load value
0600030ERRORThe resource assignment referenced in the request is finished
0600031ERRORCould not delete entity {}
0600032INFODeleted entity {}
0600033ERRORTransformation failedCheck the error message for details
0600034ERRORThe request contains invalid jsonCorrect your json
0600035ERRORThe attributes of the entity could not be setCheck your data
0600036ERRORThe request contained a read only attributeCheck your data
JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.