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Possible valuesDescriptionAvailable from
as variable name in the config fileas  environment variable with 
namespace "planta__server__" as prefix




  • interactive: the usual login message box, secure due to challenge response authentication. 
    • for a backward-compatible behavior,  auth.methods  is set to  interactive  by default.
    • As long as this value is set, there will be no changes with regard to previous versions.
  • kerberos
  • any: is composed of all implemented authentification methods)
  • or a random combination of the above listed values, separated by blank characters and/or punctuation, so that it results in a conjunction of all mentioned individual or combined methods.




  • ldap, openidconnect, pki: authentication via a preceding software component (requires the use of PLANTA  secure)
S 39.5.34






  • proxy: authentication via a preceding software component (requires the use of PLANTA  secure)
  • osuser: no authentication, not secure 
  • legacy: is composed of the authentication methods  osuser  and  interactive 
  • secure: is composed of the authentication methods, enabling a secure login, currently  interactive  and  kerberos
Up to S 39.5.31


config__serverString (path)Path to the PLANTA server configuration file (local path under Planta-server-directory);
Should not be changed by user


config__hibernateString (path)Path to the Hibernate configuration file (local path under Planta-server-directory);
Should not be changed by user


config__webString (path)Path to the Webservice configuration file (local path under Planta-server-directory);
Should not be changed by user

krb.confconfig__kerberosString (path)Path to the Kerberos configuration file (local path under Planta-server-directory);
Should not be changed by user

auth.confconfig__authString (path)Path to the Authentification configuration file (local path under Planta-server-directory);
Should not be changed by user

secure.confconfig__secureString (path)Path to the Secure configuration file (local path under Planta-server-directory);
Should not be changed by user

licenseconfig__licenseString (path)Path to the license configuration file (local path under Planta-server-directory);
Should not be changed by user


gui__hosthost name or IP address, v4 or v6Interface the server is listening on for client connections


gui__portIntPort the server is listening on for client connections


maintain__debugBooleanLoads a debug version of the python library when set to true - development option


maintain__silentBooleanDeactivates/activates some output to standard output and standard error - development option
timeouttimeoutIntCurrently without effect


maintain__performance_countingBooleanfalse by default; true enables performance counting globally
parallel_sessionsIntHow many sessions (connections to server, aka open clients) are allowed at the same time before server denies any new connection attempts.
recompile_pojos_at_startupmaintain__recompile_pojos_at_startupBooleanIf set to true, Java classes that are defined by Customizing tables will be recompiled at every Server start (recommended)S 39.5.31


maintain__mem_limit__max_sizeIntNative memory size maximum (in MiB)
mem_limit.sessionmaintain__mem_limit__sessionIntMinimum free size (in MiB) for session start
mem_limit.calculationmaintain__mem_limit__calculationIntMinimum free size (in MiB) for calculation of a project
mem_limit.modulemaintain__mem_limit__moduleIntMinimum free size (in MiB) for loading module data
mem_limit.recalculationmaintain__mem_limit__recalculationIntMinimum free size (in MiB) for start of recalculation
relational_delete_by_javarelational_delete_by_javaBooleanA different way of handling the deletion of related tables
This is a beta functionality; it is recommended that you leave this at false
S 39.5.31
ld_preload_namesmaintain__ld_preload_namesStringInternal names for Server
This should NOT be changed by the user
proto.keepalive.millisproto__keepalive__millisInt (milliseconds)If no protobuffer-message is received after this interval, the client will be closed (assumed to be stuck) 
proto.keepalive.checkproto__keepalive__checkIntIf this number of protobuffer-messages fails to arrive, the client will be closed (protobuffer-error assumed) 
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