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S 39.5.30



  • For an update to server version 39.5.30, it is absolutely essential that you also update the databse to version DB 39.5.17.
  • An update to these combinations is only possible from a Venus system 39.5.16 (DB 39.5.16 and S 39.5.29).
  • If you want to update from an older system (Earth or Venus on Earth), you first have to update to Venus version 39.5.16 (DB 39.5.16 and S 39.5.29) and subsequently to S 39.5.30 and DB 39.5.17. For an update to Venus version 39.5.16, please refer to the instructions under Help for releases up to DB 39.5.16.
  • If you have any questions, please contact your PLANTA consultant.



Resource planning has been extended by an option for automatically having postings which are higher than planned transferred/distributed from child resources to the parent resources. For detailed information, please click here. (PortBookingHistory migration packet)


Two new get_client_type and navigate_to ppms functions have been inserted.

25407Python IDs of the data fields are now also forwarded to the client.
25411New session type for webclient sessions have been implemented
9920You can now write into the server/session log from Python
25045Data events will now also be run when saving via web requests
25344The schema of the EVENTS table has been updated (UpdateEventSchema)
25306For access to end points in the PLANTA link /api/* namespace, the server now writes into an access Log (LinkWebService.log) in common log format. See also
25418Olingo library has been included in server binaries to make ODATA services available in PLANTA weblink. See also
25413The client will now be informed by the server via the customizing rights of the logged on user, enabling the allocation of different functions for a customizer on the part of the client.



An option to use an own user menu for web clients has been implemented which may differ from the user menu for desktop clients. The AddWebUserMenuModuleToSkin migration packet adds the required data field to the Skin customizing module. In systems with DB status 39.5.17, the respective data field is contained in the Skin module by default. See also the 25414 entry on PLANTA customizer in Release Notes.
25549Dynamic variables are updated for data fields of type c5 as well as for data fields of type c4.
25512If a user module is open in the customizing changes of which changes are made to data fields in the same session (DT411), the changed status will now be displayed to the customizer immediately. (UpdateClientEvent migration packet)

Arbitrary message boxes can be displayed directly from Python. For this purpose, new methods have been implemented:

  • de.planta.server.webservice.WebHqlQueryHandler.uiMessageBoxId(String msgId): This functionality complies with the ppms.ui_message_id Python function.
  • de.planta.server.webservice.WebHqlQueryHandler.uiMessageBox(String caption, String message, String icon, String[] buttons, int input_no): This functionality complies with the ppms.ui_message_box Python function.
24982The Java version used by PLANTA has been updated to Java 11.
24619The new ppms.get_auto_id Python function has been implemented which draws the next auto number of a DI
25262New on_web_load(Variable dictionary) Python function added to Python events
24983CPython has been updated to version 3.8.5
14511If a Python module possesses an invalid class name, a warning will be displayed and a fallback to the ppms.module_subclasses.base_class.Base standard Python class takes place.
25753Performance improvement in server-client communication when several messages are quickly sent consecutively, since the server busy messages are now only sent if absolutely necessary.
25739Logback-lib updated to version 1.2.10 due to logback vulnerability
19349Now login/logout of the user are protocoled as well as informationen on the client used for login.
25809New WebHqlQueryHandler.getSessionUser(Long threadId) and WebHqlQueryHandler.getSessionInfo(Long threadId) functions have been implemented in the Java Server API.

Bug Fixes

24967The cause of the error message which occurred in System Information when a 0 for unlicensed add ons occurred in the license file, has been eliminated.



Missing primary keys for the EVENTS table have been added retroactively (AddPrimaryKeyConstraintToEventsTable migration packet) and EVENTHISTORY table (RecreateEventHistoryServer migration packet)
25011Time-controlled events correctly write their results into EVENTHISTORY
25101In HQL statements, the UUIDs will now be formatted internally so that the respective records can now be found with/without "-" and in upper or lower case.
HQL statements hence function with these formats (both in MSSQL as well as in Oracle):
25171The cause of the event error message which was displayed when deleting the resource in the Resource Data Sheet module has been eliminated.
25384The problem with different date default values, independent of whether the respective data field was contained in the data area or not, has been resolved for Oracle systems.
25537An error which could cause a Python traceback to be assigned to the wrong data item has been resolved.
25610An error in the execution of ICOU under Oracle with utf8 has been resolved (UpdateClobHashFunction migration packet).
25261An error in the PortNewLicenseVisualization migration packet in the update of earlier database versions has been fixed.
22808When changing the title of a panel, special characters (like umlauts, etc.) are now converted correctly.
25551Python names are read-out correctly, independent of whether they contain lower case or upper case letters.
25744Incorrect calculation of the calculated end date of a task which contains assignments by several resources with CAP load profile if at least one resource is changed to PM profile.
It is possible to deactivate this scheduling fix if necessary. To do so, add PM_AND_CAP_CURVES_IN_ONE_TASK_CORRECTED to DISABLE_SCHED_FIXES the planta_server.conf.
25093Events will no longer be deactivated in the case of errors. Migration packet PortEventErrorMessages
25123Cause of the "Connection timed out” error message which occurred when many saving processes were effected in a short period of time has been eliminated.
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