DI059540 MSP ID
MSP ID. It is generated automatically.
DI059559 Project ID
Technical ID of the project.
DI059560 Task ID
Technical ID of the task.
- If no ID exists, '-' will be displayed in this field.
DI059561 Version ID
Is temporarily not used. The field is set to value "0".
DI059563 Start
Actual start date of the project
DI059564 End
Actual end date of the project
DI059562 Duration
Duration of the task in working days
DI059566 % completed
Task progress in percent
DI059568 Task name
Name of the task
DI059649 Change code
Specifies which changes have been made in Microsoft Project
- 0: No change
- 1: Change
- 2: Deleted in MSP
- 3: No longer available in PLANTA project
- 4: Added in MSP
DI059650 Summary task
Marks whether a task has been defined as a summary task.
- A task with value 1 is a summary task.
DI059651 Milestone
Indicates whether a task has been defined as a milestone.
- A task with value 1 is a milestone.
DI059652 Parent task ID
MSP ID of the parent task.
DI059653 Outline code
Specifies the classification of the task in the project structure. Is built up like work breakdown structure in PLANTA project.