
  • Below you will find an explanation of what portfolio manager means in the context of PLANTA portfolio and which modules are available for the Portfolio management role.

Role function and tasks


  • The portfolio manager’s core task is the coordination of planning objects within a portfolio.
  • The portfolio manager will place special emphasis on an optimal realization of strategic company goals.
  • For this purpose portfolio managers define risks, opportunities, and objectives, evaluate them in accordance with the criteria defined by them and select planning objects for implementation which are best suited to achieve the company goals.
  • Portfolio managers furthermore check the feasibility of planning objects in capacity simulations, define priorities of the planning objects and take charge of the monitoring of their portfolio.

Role Modules


  • Portfolio managers have access on all planning and monitoring options for their portfolio and can create new planning objects.
  • The portfolio management modules can be accessed using the R70 demo user.


  • The modules of the planning object can be opened by clicking on a planning object ID.
  • Whether the current user is authorized to change or to only look at planning object data in this module, depends on his/her user rights

Module Tree