Below, you will find descriptions of individual task parameters (task data fields).

DI001098 Task ID

Technical ID of the task. It is generated automatically upon creation of the task and cannot be changed afterwards. This ID is usually not visible in modules, but it can be accessed by users with customizing rights if necessary.

DI060043 Task (functional)

Functional identification number of the task

DI041467 Task

Field in which the task ID is displayed. Here, either the task WBS codes or the functional task ID will be displayed depending on the settings of the Show WBS code instead of ID parameter.


  • Show WBS code instead of ID = 0
    • The functional ID in the Task field is generated automatically (copied from the technical Task ID), if you enter the name of the task in the Task name field and click outside the field. The functional ID cannot be changed manually afterwards.
  • Show WBS code instead of ID = 1
    • The WBS code is displayed in the Task field.
      • For newly created tasks, the WBS code is only displayed if it has been generated explicitly (depending on the version either by selecting the respective context menu command or by clicking on the Generate WBS code button in the project header line.
  • Show WBS code instead of ID = 2
    • The functional ID in the Task field is
      • either generated automatically (copied from the Task ID), when you enter a task name in the Task name field and click outside the field. The functional ID can be changed manually afterwards.
      • or initially allocated manually.
        • Since the field is an output field by default, it must be changed to input field via customizing in order to be able to manually edit it. This must be redone after every database update.


See also: Structure Tasks

DI000807 Task name

Name of the task

The parameter can be edited in the following modules by users with modification rights:

DI041468 WBS code

The WBS code is both an identifier for single tasks in the work breakdown structure and an indicator for the hierarchical structure.

DI000269 Task calendar

Calendar of the task. On the tasks you can define a calendar which deviates from the project.

The parameter can be edited in the following modules by users with modification rights:

  • Schedule (Project/Proposal)
    • The respective data field is hidden by default and can be unhidden by the user if necessary.
  • Schedule (Program)
    • The respective data field is hidden by default and can be unhidden by the user if necessary.

DI001134 Planned effort

Initially planned effort of the task. The value is determined (summarized) from the values of the child areas (levels) during scheduling. Manual input is not possible. See calculation/summarization



  • Planned effort is only summarized from the resource assignment (DT466) to the task (DT463) if the Effort summarization checkbox is activated for the resource in question in the Resource Data Sheet.

DI001135 Actual effort

Actual effort of the task. The value is determined (summarized) during scheduling from values of the subordinate load areas. Manual input is not possible. See calculation/summarization



DI001136 Remaining effort

Remaining effort of the task. The value is determined (summarized) from the values of the child areas (levels) during scheduling. Manual input is not possible. See calculation/summarization



DI000785 Total effort

Total effort of the task. The value is determined during scheduling as a sum of actual and remaining (manual input not possible).


DI000696 Planned costs

Initially planned costs of the task. The value is determined (summarized) from the values of the child areas (levels) during scheduling. Manual input is not possible. See calculation/summarization


  • Task: Planned costs = sum of Planned costs of all resources assigned to the task (except revenue resources).
    • Resource assignment: Planned costs = sum of all Planned cost values per day of the resource assigned to the task.
      • Load: Planned costs per day of the resource assigned to the task. On this level, the actual cost calculation takes place.

DI000697 Actual costs

Actual costs of the task. The value is determined (summarized) during scheduling from values of the subordinate load areas. Manual input is not possible. See calculation/summarization

Structure of the determination of values by areas (levels) from top to bottom:

  • Task: Actual costs = sum of Actual costs of all resources assigned to the task (except revenue resources).
    • Resource assignment: Actual costs = sum of all Actual cost values of all resources assigned to the task.
      • Load: Actual costs per day of the resource assigned to the task. On this level, the actual cost calculation takes place.

DI000698 Remaining costs

Remaining costs of the task. The value is determined (summarized) during scheduling from values of the subordinate load areas. Manual input is not possible. See calculation/summarization


DI000715 Total costs

Total costs of the task. The value is determined during scheduling as a sum of actual and remaining (manual input not possible).


DI000716 Total-planned costs deviation

Deviation of total costs of the task from planned costs of the task


DI000748 % total-planned costs deviation

Percentage deviation of total costs of the task from planned costs of the task


DI000786 Deviation effort: total - planned

Deviation of total effort of the task from planned effort of the task


DI000789 % deviation effort: total - planned

Percentage deviation of the total effort of the task from the planned effort of the task


DI059282 Costs used in %

Percentage share of the actual costs of the task of the total costs (Actual costs + Remaining costs). The value is determined during scheduling.


DI059702 Total costs (active SR)

Total costs from the active (last released) status report

DI059703 Total effort (active SR)

Total effort from the active (last released) status report

DI001096 Project ID/ID461

Technical ID of the project. The ID is automatically read out from the corresponding project.

DI001097 Project ID

Technical ID of the project. The ID is automatically read out from the corresponding project.

DI001110 Priority

This parameter serves to define the task priority manually Controls, along with other parameters, the sequence in which tasks are loaded within a project.


  • The loading sequence of tasks which are parallel in the network and which are not linked via Links is established in accordance with their priority.
  • If parent and child tasks have the same priority in a structured schedule, the parent task receives the higher priority due to the task’s higher rank.


  • Summary task A (Priority 2)
    • Task A.1 (Priority 1)
    • Task A.2 (Priority 3)
  • Summary task B (Priority 1)
    • Task B.1 (Priority 2)
    • Task B.2 (Priority 4)
  • The loading sequence for this example is as follows: B, A, A1, B1, A2, B2.


  • 0 or empty: highest priority 
  • 1: second highest priority, etc.

The parameter can be edited in the following modules by users with modification rights:

  • Schedule (Project/Proposal)
    • The respective data field is hidden by default and can be unhidden by the user if necessary.
  • Schedule (Program)
    • The respective data field is hidden by default and can be unhidden by the user if necessary.

Technical details

  • The value range of the field checks for the @G296 global variable via which you can set the maximum priority value that can be entered.
    • If you, e.g., want to work with priority values from 0 to 10, you should enter 10 in the variable. Numbers up to 999 are permitted.
  • In PLANTA Standard, the maximum permitted value is preset by default.

DI008846 Rank

Together with the other parameters, the rank determines the loading sequence of tasks during scheduling.

Establishing the rank

  • in links: rank of the predecessor + 1
  • in task structures: rank of the parent task + 1
  • in cross-project links: rank of the predecessor from the predecessor project + 1
  • in project structures: the highest rank in the subproject is the highest rank in the parent project + 1


    • will follow shortly

DI008847 Sequence

This field shows the sequence in which the tasks are loaded during scheduling (manual input is not possible).



  • will follow shortly

DI001111 Planning early

The parameter defines whether the calculated dates result from the earliest or latest calculated dates. Earliest and latest dates only differ if the respective task has a float.



  • By default, all new tasks have Planning early =
  • In order to be able to use the Planning early = (deactivated) parameter anyway, you have to enter a requested end date of the project or requested end dates on the respective tasks, so that there is a starting point for backward scheduling.
  • A task with deactivated Planning early checkbox is planned at the latest dates (TA Latest start/TA Latest end). As a result it will be shown as critical (TA Total float = 0). It is, however, only on the critical path if at least one link leads into it which has Link total float = 0 (red line).
  • The capacity adjustment for tasks with deactivated Planning early checkbox is processed backwards, i.e. starting from Latest start / Latest end towards Earliest start / Earliest end.
  • Planning early parameter has no effect on a summary task. The summary tasks receive their dates from the child tasks. On child tasks, the Planning early parameter has the same effect as on unstructured tasks. If the child tasks have both Planning early  = as well as Planning early = , the Calculated start receives the Earliest start of all child tasks from the summary task and the Calculated end receives the Latest end of all child tasks from the summary task. 
  • Successors of tasks with deactivated Planning early checkbox are also moved. See the figure.


The parameter can be edited in the following modules by users with modification rights:

  • Schedule (project/proposal) in the Entire Schedule module variant (can be displayed in further module variants)
  • Schedule (Program)
    • The respective data field is hidden by default and can be unhidden by the user if necessary.
  • Task in the parameters relevant for scheduling area

Typical application in practice

  • Certain tasks should be planned as late as possible since they tie up a lot of capital, e.g. purchase, production. Other tasks should be planned as early as possible since adherence to schedule is uncertain, e.g. construction. By proceeding like this, 
    construction has a certain float.

DI001114 Requested end

  • Requested end date of the task.or of the quality gate You can also specify a requested start date for tasks. Task requested dates determine the start or end of the task unless other restrictions prevent this (e.g. links). For details on requested dates, please see Requested start.

Details on Quality Gates

  • In the Quality Gates module, a traffic light is stored on the Date (requested end) field which behaves as follows:
    • As long as the quality gate is not completed by 100%, the traffic light is
      • red if the desired end date is in the past.
      • yellow if the required end date is today.
      • green if the required end date is in the future.
    • As soon as the quality gate is completed by 100% (entry 100% in the Completed field), the traffic light turns green.

The parameter can be edited in the following modules by users with modification rights:

DI001113 Requested start

Requested start date of the task. Task requested dates determine the start and end of the task unless other restrictions prevent this (e.g. links).


  • Requested dates (Requested start/end) are taken into account during scheduling depending on the settings of the Task requested dates model parameter. They are only adhered to if the structure of the network (i.e. the dates for the predecessors) permits it.
  • Task requested dates prevent capacity adjustment for the respective task if Req. start and/or Req. end have been entered on the task.
  • They take priority over the Planning early parameter, which means that the task is loaded with adherence to schedule and total float. In the case of planning with adherence to capacity with load profile CAP, the task may be extended if there is an overload.
  • If TA Req. start and TA Req. end have been set, the Remaining duration will be determined in the calculation of the schedule. The TA Planned duration is retained for comparison purposes.
  • In the PLANTA standard, the requested dates of the tasks are visualized by blue triangles.


  • You can prevent task requested dates from being shifted by using the Fix parameter.

Midpoint scheduling is an example for the use of requested dates on tasks

  • It means the planning of a project around a central date (midpoint scheduling).
  • For this purpose, set a task requested date for the task which marks the central date and schedule the tasks which lie before it for the latest possible date and schedule those which come after it for the earliest possible date.

The parameter can be edited in the following modules by users with modification rights:

DI001119 Calc. start

Calculated start date of the task. The value is determined during scheduling by taking into account different planning factors, e.g. whether a task is to start on its earliest or latest calculated date, whether there is a requested start date or a predecessor which determines the start date, etc.

DI001120 Calc. end

Calculated end date of the task. The value is determined during scheduling by taking different planning factors into account.

DI001121 Actual start

Actual start date of the task. Task actual dates dominate links, task requested dates, and the Planning early parameter.

Actual Start Date

  • can be set manually
    • During scheduling, the task start date is then automatically copied to all resource assignments of the task which have no actual end date yet.
  • or it is copied from Actual start of the resource assignment during scheduling, provided that they have an Actual start. Otherwise it will be left empty.
    • If there are several resource assignments with different Actual start, the earliest Actual start will be applied to the task. For the actual end, the opposite is true: the latest Actual end of the resource assignment will be applied to the task.

Notes on Actual dates

  • If an actual end is set without an existing actual start, then Actual start = Actual end.
  • In PLANTA, a task is not finished until an Actual end has been set. As long no Actual end en set for the task, task will be loaded with a Remaining duration of at least = 1, even if no Remaining effort is left.
  • Tasks with an Actual start or an Actual end behave during scheduling as in calculation with adherence to schedule, i.e. no capacity adjustment takes place. If the remainder of the task is to be adjusted anyway, it must be split with the help of the Split parameter.

Correlation of actual dates and links

  • Tasks with an Actual start are treated , as if they had no predecessors since they can no longer be shifted by their predecessors. This is necessary to ensure that the predecessors can still be planned if the link condition is not satisfied.
  • If a successor in an ES link has already started (Actual start is set), without its predecessor having started yet, the predecessor has total float up to the project end after the calculation of the schedule.
  • A task which has been started even though it possesses a predecessor which has not been started, usually indicates an actual break in the link. In practice, such breaks occur time and again (for example, design work is started even though the customer's approval has not yet been obtained).
    • PLANTA is stable against such infringement of link conditions, i.e. the links which have become meaningless are ignored during scheduling. In the situation where a task has no other links (constraining it in the forward direction) this may lead to the due-date for the task being the end of the project. This is indeed equivalent to the loss of the successor which defines the due-date, and with it the link. If this is not desired, you have the following options:
      • By defining an additional FF link between these two tasks, the buffer time of the predecessor can be influenced.
      • Activate the Planning early checkbox. The resource-scheduled dates will then be correct, but not the buffer times.
      • Additional links to the successor of the direct successor "for safety purposes". Simple when standard network plans are used, but otherwise may involve high updating effort.
      • Only introduce a new link if you note that the task is kept 'hanging'. Disadvantage: If you overlook this, the plan data will be incorrect.
      • Use of FF conditions, where the assumption is made that the predecessor will start "soon".
      • Splitting of the task (Split parameter).
      • If this situation arises frequently, it will make sense to use a suitable combination of these remedies.

The parameter can be edited in the following modules by users with modification rights:

DI001122 Actual end

For tasks

  • Actual end date of the task. Task actual dates dominate links, task requested dates, and the Planning early parameter.

Actual End Date

  • can be set manually
    • During scheduling, the task end date is then automatically copied to all resource assignments of the task which have no actual date yet.
  • or it is automatically set during scheduling if an actual end date has already been set for all resource assignments of the task.
    • Actual end of the task = latest Actual end of all resource assignments if all resource assignments have an actual end.

Notes on Actual dates

  • If an actual end is set without an existing actual start, then Actual start = Actual end.
  • In PLANTA, a task is not finished until an Actual end has been set. As long no Actual end en set for the task, task will be loaded with a Remaining duration of at least = 1, even if no Remaining effort is left.
  • Tasks with an Actual start or an Actual end behave during scheduling as in calculation with adherence to schedule, i.e. no capacity adjustment takes place. If the remainder of the task is to be adjusted anyway, it must be split with the help of the Split parameter.

Notes on Actual end

  • If there is an Actual end, the Remaining duration = 0, i.e., if there still is remaining duration when the actual end is set, it will be set to zero (deleted).
  • Tasks with set Actual end are not considered in some user modules (e.g. My Activities) and are not displayed. 

For quality gates

  • Date of approval of the quality gate by the portfolio manager. From here on, the quality is considered completed. The date is automatically set as soon as the portfolio manager has activated the Approval checkbox on the quality gate.

The parameter can be edited in the following modules by users with modification rights:

DI001115 Earliest start

Earliest start date of the project. The value is determined during scheduling by taking into account different planning factors and immediately becomes the calculated start of the task if you have selected the Planning early = parameter. 


  • Legend: TA = task, PR = project

TA Earliest start = TA Actual start
links to this task are ignored.
Task has no predecessor
TA Earliest start = PR Earliest start
Task has no predecessor
TA Earliest start = the maximum of all predecessors - Link min.:

Task requested dates model parameter =

TA Requested start setTA Earliest start = TA Requested start

TA Requested end setTA Earliest start = TA Requested end - (TA Actual duration + TA Remaining duration)

TA Requested start and Requested end setThe calculation of the TA Earliest start is based on the Requested start of the task

Active today’s line model parameter =
previously determined TA Earliest start is earlier than "today"

TA Earliest start = Today's date

DI001116 Earliest end

Earliest end date of the task. The value is determined during scheduling.


DI001117 Latest start

Latest start date of the task. The value is determined during scheduling.


DI001118 Latest end

Latest end date of the task. The value is determined during scheduling.


DI009343 Earliest start soft

Earliest start date of the task which is determined during scheduling and in which the soft links of the task are taken into account (if there are any). Taking soft links into account may lead to a deviation to the Earliest start date of the task.

DI009344 Earliest end soft

Earliest end date of the task which is determined during scheduling and in which the soft links of the task are taken into account (if there are any). Taking soft links into account may lead to a deviation to the Earliest end date of the task.

DI009345 Latest start soft

Latest start date of the task which is determined during scheduling and in which the soft links of the task are taken into account (if there are any) Taking soft links into account may lead to a deviation from the Latest start date of the task.

DI009346 Latest end soft

Latest end date of the task which is determined during scheduling and in which the soft links of the task are taken into account (if there are any) Taking soft links into account may lead to a deviation to the Latest end date of the task.

DI009351 Overlapping start

Date on which the task overlapping starts. A task overlapping can occur if a task has a soft link. For this purpose, see Soft link.

DI009352 Overlapping end

Date on which the task overlapping ends. A task overlapping can occur if a task has a soft link. For this purpose, see Soft link.

DI009353 Days, overlapping

Duration of the task overlapping in days. A task overlapping can occur if a task has a soft link. For this purpose, see Soft link.

DI001123 Structure start

Start date of the subproject


  • Structure start of the task = Calc. start of the subproject

DI001124 Structure end

Structure end date of the subproject


  • Structure end of the task = Calc. end of the subproject

DI001131 Planned duration

Initially planned duration of the task in days. Normally, this field is filled automatically if a value is entered in Remaining duration.


 See also this known issue: Behavior of Remaining duration if Planned duration = 0 and Actual start is set.

The parameter can be edited in the following modules by users with modification rights:

  • Schedule (Project/Proposal)
    • The respective data field is hidden by default and can be unhidden by the user if necessary.
  • Schedule (Program)
    • The respective data field is hidden by default and can be unhidden by the user if necessary.

DI001132 Actual duration

Actual duration of the task in days. The value is determined during scheduling.


DI001133 Remaining duration

Remaining duration of the task in days. The duration can either be specified by the user or it is determined on the basis of the other parameters during scheduling. As long as no actual start date has been set, the duration entered or calculated here becomes the planned duration and is automatically copied to the Planned duration field.


  • If a TA duration has been entered or calculated via TA Req. start and TA Req. end), this duration has the highest priority.


  • If there is no Actual start,
    • you can enter the planned duration manually in the Remaining duration field
    • or have it calculated
      • from the requested dates of the tasks
      • if the task is defined as a hammock task
        • Calculation overwrites manual input. I.e. requested dates or hammock task (without requested dates) have priority, i.e. they overwrite manual input.
      • from the duration of the resource assignments (calculated from MAN, CAP with max. load or the requested dates of the resource assignment). If there are several resource assignments, the Remaining duration of a task is calculated from the maximum of the duration of the resource assignments.
        • If there is a remaining duration on the task (entered manually or determined during scheduling) and if there is also a remaining duration on the resource assignment which results from the requested dates and deviates from the task duration, the task duration will be overwritten.
        • If there is a remaining duration on the task (entered manually or determined during scheduling) and if there also is a remaining duration on the resource assignment which is not determined from the requested dates and deviates from the task duration, the highest of both values is used for the task, regardless of whether it has been entered or calculated.
        • This only applies if no requested dates are entered on the task itself. Requested dates of the task always overwrite the requested dates of the resource assignments.
  • If there is an Actual start but no Actual end,
    • the Remaining duration is calculated during scheduling as follows:
      • Remaining duration = initial Remaining duration - change in Actual duration
    • the automatically calculated value, however, can be adjusted manually if necessary (e.g. if the duration is determined from the prognoses). Manual entries will not be overwritten during calculation of the schedule, provided that no requested dates exist which may account for a deviating duration.
  • If there is an Actual end,
    • Remaining duration = 0
      • If there is still remaining duration when setting the actual end, it is set to zero (deleted).

Essential impact:

  • Planning with adherence to schedule
    • CAP does not shorten and extend the task duration, but the capacity adjustment within the task duration still takes place.
    • When working with MAN, it is recommended not to work with manually entered durations but to calculate the duration based on the resource assignment or to predefine requested dates on the task.
    • Requested dates on the resource assignment will only be taken into account within the task duration. In case task duration = 0, they will only be taken into account within the calc. start and latest end of the task. Logic: Resources can only be planned within the TA duration.
  • Planning with adherence to total float
    • CAP can prolong the task duration up to the latest end of the task.
  • Planning with adherence to capacity
    • As hitherto, CAP can extend the task duration up to the planning horizon of the resource.

See also this known issue: Behavior of Remaining duration if Planned duration = 0 and Actual start is set.

The parameter can be edited in the following modules by users with modification rights:

DI001146 Effort used in %

Percentage share of the actual effort (Actual effort) of the task with respect to the total effort (Actual effort + Remaining effort). The value is determined during scheduling.


DI001148 Task with cycle

If the schedule calculation stops due to a network cycle, this parameter will be activated for every task involved in the cycle (). After the cycle has been removed, this field will be deactivated again in the next calculation of the schedule ().

DI001149 Task release

This field is set automatically during scheduling (cf. the Task release model parameter) or it can be set manually.

The parameter can be edited in the following modules by users with modification rights:

  • Schedule (Project/Proposal)
    • The respective data field is hidden by default and can be unhidden by the user if necessary.
  • Schedule (Program)
    • The respective data field is hidden by default and can be unhidden by the user if necessary.

DI001177 Deviation: req. end - calc. end end

Task requested date deviation from calculated end date

DI001488 Hammock task

Parameter which allows to "span" the task across the entire duration of the project. This is used, e.g., for recurring, project related activities (basic load).


  • If a task is defined as a hammock task, the Planned duration and Remaining duration of the task are determined depending on project start and project end.
  • If the requested end date is in the past, the calculated end date of the hammock task is today (if there is a link to the summary task, the calculated end date is tomorrow).
    • If the actual start date is not set, the duration calculated initially is retained and the hammock task is completely moved forward, causing a delay.
    • If the actual start has been set, the duration is reduced in accordance with the date progression.
  • The Hammock task is used in combination with the BLD load profile and the Max. load/day parameter for basic load planning.
  • A hammock task can be stretched across certain project tasks by using links.
  • Tasks can now be extended even without resources.
  • Limitation of the duration due to requested dates of the task (Requested start, Requested end) or links are permitted.


  • For data logical reasons, a frozen task (Fix parameter = 1) cannot be defined as a hammock task.


  • - The task is defined as a hammock task.
  • - The task is not defined as a hammock task.

The parameter can be edited in the following modules by users with modification rights:

  • Schedule (project/proposal) in the Entire Schedule module variant (can be displayed in further module variants)
  • Schedule (Program)
    • The respective data field is hidden by default and can be unhidden by the user if necessary.
  • Task in the parameters relevant for scheduling area

DI002001 Bar: requested dates

Bar for the visualization of the time interval between the requested dates (Requested start and Requested end) of the task

DI002002 Bar: earliest dates

Bar for the visualization of the time interval between the requested dates (Earliest start and Earliest end) of the task

DI002003 Bar: latest dates

Bar for the visualization of the time interval between the requested dates (Latest start and Latest end) of the task

DI002005 Bar: actual dates

Bar for the visualization of the interval between the actual dates (Actual start and Actual end) of the task

DI002086 Bar: actual start - work reporting date

Bar for the visualization of the interval between the actual start date and the latest work reporting date of the task

DI061285 Bar: MMS big

Bars (rhomb symbol) for the visualization of the master milestones (gates) in the schedule on the horizontal axis below the scale


  • The number on the bar represents the time interval (in weeks) to the master milestone or, if no milestone is defined as a master milestone, the time interval to the Calc. end of the project.
  • The number above the bar is the WBS code of the master milestone.

DI061313 Difference from main milestone date

Time interval to the main milestone or, if no milestone is defined as a master milestone, the time interval to the Calc. end of the project in weeks

DI002346 Number of task-resources

Number of the resources assigned to the current task

Number of links to successors of the task, i.e. all links coming from the task. Here, all link types are counted: internal links, external links, and also external tasks.

DI002482 Task is parent task

Code which indicates whether the task is a parent task that is linked to a subproject


  • Usage: as a selection and sorting criterion in special modules, for suppressing/showing the display of higher level (parent) tasks.

DI002621 Project name

Name of the project. Is automatically copied from the corresponding project.

DI002859 Phase

DI002951 Bar: calculated dates

Bar for calculated dates (Calc. start and Calc. end) of the task

DI003681 Duration from requested dates

Duration calculated from the task requested dates

DI006527 Bar: Milestone

Bar for milestones

DI006786 Milestone ID

Code (ID) for the Milestone parameter. For description, see Milestone: text. In standard, the parameter can be found in window 2 of the Schedule module.

DI059007 Milestone

This parameter serves to define whether the task is a regular task, a milestone, a master milestone, or a quality gate.


  • Empty: No milestone
  • 1: Milestone
  • 2: master milestone
  • 3: Quality gate: This value cannot be selected manually for tasks in the Schedule module, but it is automatically set for tasks which are defined as quality gates in the portfolio.


  • Milestones and master milestones have the same function.
  • Master milestones are events with special significance. They differ from the milestones in significance, i.e. they are, even more important for reaching a project goal.


  • From a technical point of view, milestones and master milestones are treated during scheduling like regular tasks, i.e. they can also have a duration > 0. However, PLANTA recommends that you use milestones and master milestones as event points with a duration of 0 or 1 since this is the common procedure in practice and PLANTA has optimized modules and symbol layouts for the use of this planning model.
  • If you want to plan milestones/master milestones with a duration = 0, you have to comply with some requirements:
    • General rule in PLANTA project: If tasks are connected with links FS, and if no milestone has a duration = 0, the milestone starts on the very day on which its predecessor ends.
      • At what time the successor of the milestone starts if such a constellation is given depends on the Start task successor + 1 day model parameter.


  • If Start task successor + 1 day = and the MS duration = 0, both the MS as well as the successor of MS start on the very day on which the predecessor of MS ends. I.e. in this constellation, the milestones "shorten" the project duration compared to the constellation without milestones.


  • If Start task successor + 1 day = , and the MS duration = 0, the MS starts on the same day as its predecessor, the successor of MS, however, starts one day later, so that the constellation for the project duration with or without milestones is identical.


  • The Start task successor + 1 day parameter is deactivated by default.
  • In the milestone planning, PLANTA also supports further planning models, like e.g. no links of milestones or milestone duration = 1. As a result, different impacts on the total schedule can be observed as in the examples above.
  • When working with milestone duration = 0, the additional effect of task requested dates is to be taken into account:
  • If both dates are set, the duration is automatically calculated from these values and can never be = 0.

The parameter can be edited in the following modules by users with modification rights:

DI059006 Milestone: text

Name (text) of the Milestone parameter. For description, see DI059007

DI006800 Functional completed in %

Functional degree of completion of a task as a percentage value. This value can be entered as an estimated value by the project manager.


  • The entered value is compared to the values in the Used (Effort used in %) field, and, depending on whether these values are under- or overrun, the Completed (DI006800 Functional completed in %) field is colored green or red.

The parameter can be edited in the following modules by users with modification rights:

DI006805 Customer schedule

The parameter defines whether tasks for which adherence to the schedule is dependent on the customer are displayed in the Customer schedule module (variant of the Schedule module).


  • - the task is displayed in the Customer Schedule module variant.
  • - the task is not displayed in the Customer Schedule module variant.

The parameter can be edited in the following module by users with modification rights:

DI008845 Summary task

Defines the task as a summary task


  • Tasks can be structured hierarchically.
  • As a result, all parent tasks are summary tasks.
  • In the calculation of the schedule, information on the parent task, such as duration and dates, is determined automatically from the child tasks.


  • When working with structured schedules, PLANTA recommends that you use summary tasks as structuring elements only, i.e. you should not carry out effort or cost planning or enter durations on this level. This includes resource planning or time recording directly to the summary task. Instead, PLANTA recommends that you carry out the planning on the child task only.
    • Reason: Since the scheduling detects some parameters of the summary tasks from child tasks, there may be collisions between your own planned values and those detected by the scheduling. As a result, there may be values on summary tasks that are incomprehensible at first sight.

DI008851 Parent task ID

Code (ID) of the parent task which is set when structuring the tasks


  • DI008851 must not be confused with DI001004 Parent task ID on the project, which has the same name but a completely different function. DI001004 Parent task ID is filled with the structure task ID from the parent project when structuring a project.

DI059257 Structure task

This parameter defines whether the task in question is a normal task or a structure task.


  • 0 = normal task
  • 1 = structure task


  • After projects have been structured and the schedule has been calculated, a structure task is created automatically in each parent project. A structure task is a task which connects a parent project to a subproject.
  • In standard, structure tasks are hidden in all modules in question by default and cannot be unhidden by the user. This is to be observed for individual customizing as well.
    • In order to hide structure tasks, include DI059257 Structure task in the corresponding data area and set the Filter from = 0 and Filter to parameters = 0 for this DI.

DI009354 Bar: Overlapping

Bar for the visualization of the interval in which the tasks overlap. For more information, see here.

DI009480 Fixing

Code (ID) of the Fixing parameter. For description, see DI056886

DI056886 Fixing

Fixing options for requested dates This parameter serves to set how requested dates of the task are taken into account during scheduling. In input mode, a listbox for selection of a fixing position is displayed on the respective field.

blank:Without fixingRequested dates of the task only take effect if no links exist and no capacity adjustment is carried out. Otherwise the task can be shifted, e.g. via links or capacity adjustment.

1With fixingThe task is scheduled exactly for the requested dates.
  • The task duration corresponds to the specified requested dates
  • Links will be ignored.
  • Capacity adjustment is deactivated.
  • The resources are planned within the task requested dates. If they do not have sufficient capacity, they will be overloaded.
  • Active today's line will be ignored.
  • Only takes effect if at least one requested date is set.

2Without fixing, adherent to scheduleNo fixing, however date-oriented scheduling of task resources within the planned duration of a task.
  • Links will be taken into account, the task may be shifted.
  • Capacity adjustment is deactivated.
  • For Planned duration of the task = 0, the task duration is determined as the maximum duration from all resource assignments.
  • For CAP load profile, the Remaining duration is calculated (Remaining duration = Remaining effort / Max. load/day).
  • The resources are planned within the task requested dates. If they do not have sufficient capacity, they will be overloaded.
  • Loading of Max. load/day for the remaining duration period.
  • For Planned duration of the task = 0, the task duration is determined as the maximum duration from all resource assignments.


  • For data logical and data consistency reasons, tasks that have already been defined as hammock tasks (Hammock task parameter is activated) must not be frozen.
  • The effect of the Fixing parameter is overwritten by the Task requested dates model parameter..
  • Using the Fixing parameter = 1 in combination with particular other parameters may result in a scheduling problem. For further informations, see here.

The parameter can be edited in the following modules by users with modification rights:

  • Schedule (project/proposal) in the Entire Schedule module variant (can be displayed in further module variants)
  • Schedule (Program)
    • The respective data field is hidden by default and can be unhidden by the user if necessary.
  • Task in the parameters relevant for scheduling area

DI009538 Position

DI023342 Task locked

The parameter determines whether a task is approved for the recording of hours worked or not.


  • - Task is locked. No hours worked can be recorded to this task yet.
  • - Task is not locked Hours worked can already be recorded to this task.

The parameter can be edited in the following modules by users with modification rights:

  • Schedule (project/proposal) in the Entire Schedule module variant (can be displayed in further module variants)
  • Task

DI023392 Bar: task overcritical

Bar for the visualization of the interval between the calculated end date and the latest end date of the task


DI040157 Bar: master milestone

Bar for the master milestone

DI041469 Project

Functional ID of the project. The ID is automatically read out from the corresponding project.

DI051811 Milestone/master milestone calc. end

Calculated end date of the task which is defined as a milestone or master milestone

DI056845 Calc. end (selected SR)

Calculated end date of the task from the selected status report

DI056846 Calc. start (selected SR)

Calculated start date of the task from the selected status report

DI056847 Total effort (selected SR)

Total effort of the task from the selected status report

DI056848 Total costs (selected SR)

Total costs of the task from the selected status report

DI056851 Deviation calc. end: current - selected SR

Deviation of the calculated end date of the task (from the current planning) from the calculated end date (from the selected status report)


DI056852 Deviation total effort: current - selected SR

Deviation of the total effort of the task (from the current planning) from the total effort of the task (from the selected status report)


DI056853 Deviation total costs: current - selected SR

Deviation of the total costs of the task (from the current planning) from the total costs of the task (from the selected status report)


DI056854 Bar: calculated dates (selected SR)

Bar for the visualization of the interval between the calculated task dates from the selected status report (Calc. start (selected SR) and Calc. end (selected SR))

DI056957 OLE task begun

Symbol for the visualization of the task progress


  • If an Actual start has been set for the task, the progress symbol will be blue.
  • If an Actual end has been set for the task, the progress symbol will be black.

DI057005 TDI: 1

Technical data item. It is used to visualize the number of tasks in different modules. E.g., in the Activities area (Todo items up to DB 39.5.0) in the Dashboard module, the number of process steps is displayed by 4 statuses (late, today, future, without date).

DI057577 Date status

Text on the date status (e.g. today, delayed, etc.) of the tasks

DI057950 Parent task name

Name of the parent task

DI058050 Deviation calc. start: current - selected SR

Deviation of the calculated start date of the task (from the current planning) from the calculated start date of the task (from the selected status report)


DI058055 % deviation total effort

Percentage deviation of the total effort of the task (from the current planning) from the total effort of the task (from the selected status report)


DI058056 % deviation total costs

Percentage deviation of the total costs of the task (from the current planning) from the total costs of the task (from the selected status report)


DI058204 Dummy

DI059314 OLE task flag

Symbols for the task estimation or task flag. New tasks, for which no notes or estimates have existed before, are initially displayed without symbols.


  • no symbol - no note
  • - completed
  • - very critical
  • - critical
  • - being monitored
  • - very good
  • - mediocre
  • - bad


  • : This symbol will automatically be displayed/hidden as soon as the Actual end date has been entered/deleted for the respective task, or can be set/deleted manually. All other symbols are set/removed manually by clicking on the Change note button in the respective task line in the Schedule module ( not in all module variants), in the Task module or in the respective task checkbox in the WBS module.


  • The symbols can be edited by the customizer in the OLEs module.

DI040925 OLE milestone

Rhomb symbol for master milestones or milestones in the WBS module


  • Light blue rhomb - milestone
  • Black rhomb - master milestone

DI059707 OLE deviation total effort: current - active SR

Traffic light for the visualization of the deviation of Total effort from the current planning from Total effort from the active (last released) status report in the Dashboard in the Deviations area

DI059708 OLE deviation total costs: current - active SR

Traffic light for the visualization of the deviation of Total costs from the current planning from Total costs from the active (last released) status report in the Dashboard in the Deviations area

DI059020 OLE deviation total costs: current - selected SR

Traffic light for the visualization of the deviation of the Total costs (from the current planning) from the Total costs (from the selected status report in the Deviations module)

DI059021 OLE deviation total effort: current - selected SR

Traffic light for the visualization of the deviation of the Total effort (from the current planning) from the Total effort (from the selected status report in the Deviations module)

DI059022 OLE deviation calc. end: current - selected SR

Traffic light for the visualization of the Calc. end from the current planning from Calc. end from the selected status report

DI059023 OLE deviation calc. start: current - selected SR

Traffic light for the visualization of the Calc. start from the current planning from Calc. start from the selected status report

DI059710 Deviation total effort: current - active SR

Deviation of Total effort from the current planning from Total effort from the active (last released) status report in the Dashboard in the Deviations area

DI059711 Deviation total costs: current - active SR

Deviation of Total costs from the current planning from Total costs from the active (last released) status report in the Dashboard in the Deviations area

DI059678 Description

The description of the task is inserted or displayed in this field.

The parameter can be edited in the following module by users with modification rights:

DI063096 Necessary requirements

In this field, the requirements/conditions are written (freely structurable text) which are ecessary for the completion of the task. 

The parameter can be edited in the following module by users with modification rights:

DI059316 Person responsible for task

Name of the person responsible for the task. In input mode, a listbox for selection of a person responsible is displayed on the respective field.


  • If a resource is defined as a person responsible for a task, this task is displayed in the Tasks area of the My Planning Objects module in the Employee Board of the resource.

The parameter can be edited in the following modules by users with modification rights:

  • Schedule (Project/Proposal)
    • The respective data field is hidden by default and can be unhidden by the user if necessary.
  • Task
  • WBS
  • Resource Plan

DI001156 Person responsible for task: ID

Code (ID) of the person responsible for the task. For description, see DI059316 Person responsible for task.

DI001129 Total float

Total float of the task



  • By setting a task requested end, a task has no float with respect to its calculated end date
  • If tasks are planned late (Planning early = parameter = Total float = 0.
  • To get a more exact overview of the latest dates, it may help to activate the display of the latest dates bar from window 9.


  • To visualize the tasks as critical or uncritical, the traffic light circuit of the task bars is based on the Total float parameter. Thus
    • regular tasks which have total float < = 0 are visualized as critical.
    • milestone and master milestone tasks which have total float < 0 are visualized as critical.
  • Since in PLANTA project total float = 0 can be achieved by setting requested dates on tasks, tasks which do not necessarily lie on the critical path are marked as critical.
    • If you do not want this to happen, you have to plan with task duration or with task requested start dates and task duration only.

Taking floats into account in different planning types

  • Floats are not used in planning with adherence to schedule.
  • When planning with adherence to total float, existing floats are used if necessary.
  • When planning with adherence to capacity, floats and project end date will not be taken into account.

DI001130 Free float

Free float of the task. The free float is determined from the minimum of all successor links.



  • For tasks without successor, "free float" = "total float”

DI001147 Time recording date of the task

The latest date on which hours worked were recorded on the task. This date corresponds to the latest time recording date of all resource assignments of a task. If the task has no resource assignments, please take note of the information set out below.   


  • If there are no resource assignments,
    • the time recording date of the task is set to the Actual start of the task if it already exists but no Actual end has been set yet.
    • the time recording date of the task is set to Actual end as soon as one exists.
    • the time recording date of the task = 0 if none of the actual dates exists.

DI063726 Deviation: req. end - calc. end end (text)

Absolute deviation of the calculated end date from the requested end date of the task with text specification (delay/float)

DI063937 SAP WBS element

Name of an SAP WBS element. In input mode, a listbox for selection of an SAP WBS element is displayed on the respective field in order to assign it to a PLANTA task. This link is required for transferring costs and effort from the project structure in PLANTA project to an alternative structure (e.g. an SAP project structure).

The parameter can be edited in the following modules by users with modification rights:

DI064726 Position: Quality gate

Position number of the quality gates within the quality gate template. It is allocated manually upon creation of the template and defines the sort order of the quality gates within the quality gate template.

The parameter can be edited in the following module by users with modification rights:

DI064532 Quality gate approval

Checkbox used to approve a quality gate. In the course of this, an Actual end date is set automatically (in the Quality Gates module the field is named Approved on) and the quality gate will be considered completed.

The parameter can be edited in the following module by users with modification rights:

DI064510 "Completed” value for QG traffic light

Displays the degree of completion according to percentage values and traffic light colors. The value displayed here is calculated from the degree of completion of the assigned tasks and their priority.


  • no traffic light: the degree of completion of the quality gate is lower than 100%.
  • green: the quality gate is completed by 100%.


  • The completed value of the quality gate influences the behavior of the traffic light on the Date field.

DI064994 Completed on: Manager

Date, on which the quality gate was completed. Is set by the manager of the respective project. If the field is filled, the Completed on field of the child todo items which have no completed date yet are automatically filled with the date of the quality gate.

DI064760 Time interval

Time interval to the date selected for the calculation of the date of the quality gate selected in the Start field.

The parameter can be edited in the following module by users with modification rights:

DI064766 Start type name

Name of the date type in the project from which (start) the time interval to the completion of the quality gate is to be calculated.


  • Requested start
  • Calculated start
  • Actual start

The parameter can be edited in the following module by users with modification rights:

DI064739 Critical path BETA

Parameter which defines whether the task is to be regarded as critical. The value is set during scheduling.


  • Tasks the total float of which = 0 are marked as critical and therefore lie on a critical path.
    • Exceptions: Single tasks which have neither predecessor nor successor (which are hence not connected via links) are not marked as critical even if they have no total float, unless they determine the project length.


  • Tasks which are planned late do not have a total float by definition and are critical.
  • For each requested date (project requested end date or task requested end date) there is a critical path in the project. A task can also belong to multiple critical paths. If a project float exists, a task can be critical anyway since it belongs to a critical path which is created by a task requested date.
  • Summary task are marked as critical (however, they are not visualized in the schedule) if at least one child task is critical.


  • With Server 39.5.25, PLANTA only provides the parameter for the calculation of the critical path. If you want to visualize the longest critical path in the schedules, you have to make respective individual customizing changes and embed the parameter in the task bar.
  • This parameter can only be used if scheduling afterrun is activated in planta_scheduler.conf.

DI064921 Longest critical path BETA

Parameter which determines whether the task lies on the longest critical path. The value is set during scheduling.


  • The classical critical path (cf. CPM) ends on the project requested date and is therefore always the path with the longest duration.


  • With Server 39.5.25, PLANTA only provides the parameter for the calculation of the longest critical path. If you want to visualize the longest critical path in the schedules, you have to make respective customizing changes and embed the parameter in the task bar.
  • This parameter can only be used if scheduling afterrun is activated in planta_scheduler.conf.

DI001112 Split

Parameter which determines whether tasks are to be broken off (split) in editing


  • Any task which has been started will be loaded adherent to schedule, starting from its actual start date. However, if you do not want to continue to work on the task without interruption, the task may be split.
  • The effect of this is that the remainder of the task (Remaining duration, Remaining effort) will be planned as if there was no actual data. It is thus also possible to carry out capacity adjustment for the residual task.
  • The parameter is activated in PLANTA standard by default ().
  • Splitting only has an effect on tasks which have already been started (Actual start reported) but are not yet completed (no Actual end reported).


  • : The task will be scheduled as if it had no Actual start yet. It represents an interruption in a task.
  • : The task is scheduled continuously from the Actual start.

Example for the behavior of the Split parameter with Active today’s line=

  • A: Initial situation

  • B: Split =

  • C: Split =


  • It can be reasonable to already set particular tasks to Split = in planning, if it is known that these tasks are usually interrupted.
  • If capacity adjustment is to be carried out for a task which has already started, the setting should be Split = .
  • If a split task is to be worked on continuously at a later time, Split can be reset to .

Typical application in practice

  • A project team member has reported a couple of hours on the Construction task using work reporting. However, these activities are only to allow some provisional orders to be placed for long lead-time components of assemblies, and the actual design work will not be carried out until later.
  • Task before entry of hours worked:
  • Resource Benjamin Fischer has reported 5 hours of work to the Construction task. The task is not split. The calculation of the schedule results in the following picture:
  • Work on this task is not to be continued but scheduled for a later point in time. By setting Split = , the rest of the task will be planned according to the network plan. It is also moved by requested dates.
  • If the project planning type is changed, e.g. from adherent to schedule or float, and, e.g. the CAP load profile is assigned to a task, then the remainder of the task may be planned at an even later date.

Please note:

  • If the parameter of the same name (Split) is activated at project level and Split is deactivated on the task, the project parameter overwrites the task parameter; but not the other way around.
  • If the parameter is set on a summary task, it causes the Calc. start of the summary task to be the earliest Calc. start of all child tasks. This may cause unnecessary postponement of dates. Cf:

The parameter can be edited in the following modules by users with modification rights:

  • Schedule (Project/Proposal)
    • The respective data field is hidden by default and can be unhidden by the user if necessary.
  • Schedule (Program)
    • The respective data field is hidden by default and can be unhidden by the user if necessary.
  • Task in the parameters relevant for scheduling area

DI064945 Relevant for external system

Checkbox with which you can mark which tasks are to be synchronized with an external system (currently PLANTA pulse or Jira).

The parameter can be edited in the following module by users with modification rights:

DI065270 Select

Checkbox for the selection of a task. The checkbox is used in different user modules, e.g. in the Assign Tasks module.

DI066380 Number of pending/all cards

Shows the number of all pending cards and the total number of pulse cards which belong to a task. Is displayed in the Schedule if a task has been synchronized with PLANTA pulse and if there are cards on the corresponding board. A link is stored on the field via which you can view the cards in the Task module.

DI066418 Number of cards

Shows the number of all pulse cards which belong to a task. Is displayed in the Task module if a task has been synchronized with PLANTA pulse.

DI066416 Number of pending cards

Shows the number of pending pulse cards which belong to a task. Is displayed in the Task module if a task has been synchronized with PLANTA pulse.

DI066473 % of pending cards

Shows the percentage of pending pulse cards which belong to a task. Is displayed in the Task module if a task has been synchronized with PLANTA pulse.

DI066382 Number of overdue cards

Shows the number of overdue pulse cards (due date lies in the past) which belong to a task. Is displayed in the Task module if a task has been synchronized with PLANTA pulse.

DI066422 % of overdue cards

Shows the percentage of overdue pulse cards (due date lies in the past) which belong to a task. Is displayed in the Task module if a task has been synchronized with PLANTA pulse.

DI066417 Number of completed cards

Shows the number of completed pulse cards which belong to a task. Is displayed in the Task module if a task has been synchronized with PLANTA pulse.

DI066381 % of completed cards

Shows the percentage of completed pulse cards which belong to a task. Is displayed in the Task module if a task has been synchronized with PLANTA pulse.