Functions in the Board Bar
- In the upper area of a board, the board bar can be found within the Home Bar.
Project Title
Open board → Board bar
- If the board belongs to a project, the project title is displayed in the board bar.
- Via the link on the project title, the project can be opened in the Projects panel.
Board Title
- By clicking on the board title, the title and the description of a board can be edited.
- Furthermore, start and due dates for the board can be defined.
- Open board → Board bar
- Click on the board title.
- In the dialog box, edit/add the title and/or description of the board.
- If needed, select start and due dates in the calendar and click Save.
- Click Save.
- The description of a board is displayed on the board card in the Boards panel.
- The settings described above can only be configured by board admins.
Favorites Star
- A board can be added to the favorites.
- In the board bar, click on or click on the star on a board card in the Boards panel or in the Projects panel.
- When a board has been added to the favorites, the favorites star changes to: .
- Favorite boards are displayed in the menu on the left.
- In the Boards tab of the Projects panel, they are always displayed at the top in a separate Favorites area.
- The number next to the star in the board bar (e.g. 2) indicates how many users have added the board to their favorites.
- By clicking on the favorites star again, the board is removed from the favorites.
Visibility Mode
- Boards can be defined as Private or Public.
Edit visibility mode
- Open board → Board bar
- Click Private or Public and select a mode.
- A private board is only visible and editable for assigned members.
- A public board is visible for every logged-in user in the area Public Boards.
- It can only be edited by board members.
- Users can join public boards themselves, if needed.
- The visibility of boards can only be changed by board admins.
- By default, new boards are created as Private boards.
Notification Mode
- Every board member can configure individually about which changes on the board he/she wants to be notified via e-mail.
- The e-mail notifications are sent to the e-mail address saved in the User Settings → Account Settings.
Edit notification mode
- Open board → Board bar
- Click on All or Own Cards or Mute to select a mode.
- All: The member receives notifications for any changes on this board.
- Own Cards The member receives notifications for changes on any cards he/she created or is assigned to.
- Mute: The member won’t receive any notifications about changes on this board.
- By default, notifications are deactivated.
More information on notification settings
Start and Due Date
- By clicking on the board title, start and due dates can be added for the board.
- Open board → Board bar
- Click on the board title.
- In the dialog box, select start and due dates in the calendar and click Save.
- Click Save.
- The start and due dates of the board are displayed in the board bar.
Open board → Board bar
- If the option is activated in the board menu, the button Chat is displayed in the board bar.
- Board members can then access the board chat via the button.