Die nachfolgenden Inhalte sind nur in englischer Sprache verfügbar.


Possible valuesDescriptionAvailable from
as variable name in the config fileas  environment variable with 
namespace "planta.server." as prefix
prometheusprometheusBooleanactivation of prometheus interface, default falseS 39.5.34
prometheus_portprometheus_portIntport number the web server listens on; required parameter (prometheus is implicitely deactivated when no port is configured)S 39.5.34
prometheus_interfaceprometheus_interfacehost name/ip addressinterface the web server is bound to; localhost by defaultS 39.5.34
monitoringmonitoringBooleanactivation of monitoring interface, default false
monitoring_portmonitoring_portIntport number the web server listens on; required parameter (monitoring is implicitely deactivated when no port is configured)
monitoring_interfacemonitoring_interfacehost name/ip addressinterface the web server is bound to; localhost by default
Deprecated, generic_service used instead.

Deprecated, generic_service_port used instead.

services_interfaceservices_interfacehost name/ip address
Deprecated, generic_service_interface used instead.

services_docservices_docBooleanactivation of web services documentation, false by default
services_doc_portservices_doc_portIntport number the web server listens on; required parameter (web services documentation is implicitly deactivated when no port is configured)


generic_serviceBooleanactivation of web service documentation, false by default


generic_service_portIntport number of the PLANTA link web services listens on; required parameter (web services are implicitely deactivated when no port is configured)


generic_service_interfacehost name/ip addressinterface the web server is bound to; localhost by default

ssl_generic_enablessl_generic_enableBooleanenable SSL for PLANTA link web services, false by default
ssl_services_docs_enablessl_services_docs_enableBooleanenable SSL for web services documentation, false by default
ssl_keystore_passwordssl_keystore_passwordIntpassword for the JavaKeystore
ssl_keystoressl_keystorepathpath to the Java Keystore
cross_origin_filter_allcross_origin_filter_allBooleanCross Site Scripting Filter which needs to be enabled, true by default

apikey_auth_filter_genericapikey_auth_filter_genericBooleanApiKey authentication for PLANTA pulse web services, true by default
saml_auth_filter_pulsesaml_auth_filter_pulseBooleanSAML authentication for all web services, true by default