interface - Systems
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This topic discusses the Systems feature provided by the PLANTA link API.
Function | Parameters | Return Value | Description |
System.__eq__(self, other) | other: Another System instance | True or False | Check whether a system is equal to another |
System.__hash__(self) | Integer | Returns a hash based on UUID | |
System.__init__(self, system_id) | system_id: UUID | Instance | Initialize a new System instance. |
System.create_conditional(self, classname, parameter, expected_value) | classname: Prüfklasse parameter: Erwarteter Wert expected_value: Erwartet | UUID | Creates a new system conditional and saves it to the database. If the system could not be created, a ValueError is raised |
System.delete(self) | Delete this system |
Function | Parameters | Return Value | Description |
System.create(cls, creation_parameters) | creation_parameters: Any python id from table 568 that should have a custom value | An instance of the newly created system. The class is based on the class that create() is called from. | Create a new system record. If the system could not be created a ValueError is raised. |
System.get_active_system(cls) | System or None | Get the currently active System instance | |
System.get_active_system_id(cls) | UUID or None | Retrieve the UUID of the currently active system |
Function | Parameters | Return Value | Description |
System.get_all_system_ids() | A list of UUID | Fetches the UUID of all systems stored in the database |
Property | Getter | Setter | Description |
System.is_active | Returns True when all conditionals of this system meet their expected value |
Function | Parameters | Return Value | Description |
RegtestSystem.__enter__(self) | RegtestSystem instance | Enter the context | |
RegtestSystem.__exit__(self, *exc_details) | exc_details: Exception details | Leave the context, deleting the RegtestSystem |