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utilities - module

The module module provides a function for opening a module in a specific session




Return Value


open_module(session_id, module_id, parameters=None)

session_id: The ID of the session

module_id: The ID of the module to open

parameters: An optional dictionary of parameters that will be passed to on_web_load function of the module

Opens a module in the specified client session

Can raise the following exceptions:

        utilities.SessionNotFoundException when no session with the given ID exists
        utilities.ModuleNotFoundException when no module with the given ID exists
        utilities.ModuleDictionaryException when the parameters couldn't be handled

get_module_return_value(session_id, module_id, timeout=None)

session_id: The ID of the session

module_id: The ID of the module that was opened and should be polled

timeout: Amount of seconds to wait until timing out

Fetches the return value of a module in the specified client session

Fetches the return value of on_web_load() from the opened module.

  • If the timeout is reached, None will be returned.

  • If no timeout was specified, the default value from the global setting jython_module_return_timeout is used.

  •  If the module has no on_web_load()defined, an empty dictionary is returned.

Can raise the following exceptions::



open_module_clientless(clientless_session_id, module_id, parameters=None)


clientless_session_id: The ID of the clientless session

module_id: The ID of the modiule to open

parameters: A dictionary of parametersthat will be passed to on_web_load function of the module

Open a module in the specified clientless sessios

Can raise the following exceptions:




get_clientless_module_return_value(clientless_session_id, module_id, timeout=None)

clientless_session_id: The ID of the clientless session

module_id: The ID of the module that was opened and should be polled

timeout: Amount of seconds to wait until timing out

Fetches the return value of a module in the specified clientless session

Fetches the return value of on_web_load() from the opened module.

  • If the timeout is reached, None will be returned.

  • If no timeout was specified, the default value from the global setting jython_module_return_timeout is used.

  •  If the module has no on_web_load()defined, an empty dictionary is returned.

Can raise the following exceptions:



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