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This file is configured using XML syntax.


Example value or
Possible values
DescriptionAvailable from
as variable name in the config fileas  environment variable with 
namespace "planta__server__" as prefix
Configures Oracle or MSSQL sql dialectS 39.5.34
Configures the JDBC driver
hibernate.connection.urlhibernate__connection__urlURL with SID: jdbc:oracle:thin:@$db.server:$$
URL with service names: jdbc:oracle:thin:@//db_hostname:port/service_name
DB connection URL - configured via installer
hibernate.connection.usernamehibernate__connection__usernameUSER_123Username used for connecting to the DB
hibernate.connection.passwordhibernate__connection__passwordgE_he1MPassword used for connecting to the DB

Applies to oracle users only, in the context of sql server, the term database schema has an entirely different meaning. 
Required if the oracle user name deviates from the schema name to be used.

hibernate__jdbc__fetch_size32 - 8192
recommended: 512
Number of lines that will be transfered for reading
hibernate__jdbc__batch_size8 - 64
recommended: 32
Number of lines that will be transfered for writing

Connection testing ValuesDescription 
hibernate.c3p0.testConnectionOnCheckouthibernate__c3p0__testConnectionOnCheckoutfalseTests a connection before it is used
hibernate.c3p0.testConnectionOnCheckinhibernate__c3p0__testConnectionOnCheckinfalseTests a connection after it was used
hibernate.c3p0.idleConnectionTestPeriodhibernate__c3p0__idleConnectionTestPeriod300Period after which an idle connection is tested


  • All other parameters are not described here.
  • The connection testing options should be used with care because of their performance impact.
  • In most cases, no manual changes should be required, as the Installer sets all values based on queried information.
  • For configuration of the connection pooling, see the c3p0 documentation.
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