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Customize Migration Packets



  • Migration packets are written in Python and are retrieved from the server. As a result, you have full access to the functions of the Python API.
  • Before changes are applied, packets should always check whether the condition of the system meets the expectations.
    This is meant to guarantee that customer specific customizing is not overwritten by packets.
  • In order to be correctly recognized as migration packets, packets must inherit from the BasePacket basic class.
  • For some frequently occurring cases, there are specialized basic classes that come with helpful methods.
  • All of the classes listed here can be imported by ppms.migration.
  • A packet communicates its status to the framework via the success(), fail(), and skip() methods.
    • These methods set an internal flag. After they have been opened, no other packet code must be executed.
  • Several packets can easily be defined in a module.
  • The migration packets included in the delivery of PLANTA are mentioned in the Releases and Downloads topic of the respective release.
  • The status of the migration packets can be checked in the respective module of the Migration Packets panel.


  • The migration packet is executed in the following sequence:
    • 1. server version
    • 2. category (e.g. "mandatory packet")
    • 3. file name


  • The (under /py/planta_de/ppms and /py/system/ppms) files must not be changed.


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from ppms import ppms
from ppms.migration.packet import *

class ExamplePacket(BasePacket):
    '''Short 80 character line summarizing what this packet does

    A longer description that goes into more detail and explains
    what corner cases one could run into
    wi_number = None  # The workitem number this packet belongs to. Only relevant for packets by PLANTA
    version = 1
    done_after_success = True  # Sets the "Erledigt" flag after running successfully
    run_on_startup = True  # Runs this migration packet when the server is started in migration mode
    category = PacketCategory.CATEGORY_MANDATORY  # Categorizes the packet

    def fix(self, runner):
        # do something useful
        if errors:
           return'Encountered errors')

        return self.success()


  • done_after_success = False is recommended for (auxiliary) packets that check the customizing, so that they are further on displayed in the Packets to be executed area after execution.

Special Functions


  • The StopMigrationProcessException class can be imported from ppms.migration. If this exception is raised by a packet, no more packets are executed afterwards.
  • The ppms.migration package also comes with two decorators for simply skipping packets: skipIf and skipUnless
@skipIf(dbms_name == 'Oracle', 'Not necessary on a Oracle db')
def fix(self, packet_runner):

@skipUnless(dbms_name == 'Oracle', 'Only necessary with a Oracle db')
def fix(self, packet_runner):
  • Packets write their logfiles as a simple text by default. This can, however, be individualized if necessary. For this purpose, two properties in the packet class must be changed:
Default values
logging_prefixReturns a time stamp by default, which is written before every log entry
logfile_suffixSets the extension of the logfile to .log by default

Best Practice


  • If a packet has multiple interim stages which can be repeated regardless of whether they have been completed successfully or have failed, it is recommended to collect the errors and open success() or fail() at the end of the fix() method, according to the number of errors.
  • If a packet carries out DML statements which cannot be undone by a simple rollback, the rollback() method of the packet should be implemented in order to be able to undo the changes if necessary.

Execute Packets (Framework)


  • Migration packets are executed by the server via a framework.
  • This framework defines which packets are executed, executes them, and saves the logfile in the database if necessary.
  • The instance of the framework which carries out the packet is handed over to the fix() method.
  • The basic class of the framework is the AbstractPacketRunner under ppms.migration.framework.

Specialized framework classes included in the PLANTA delivery

Reads all packets from the file system and carries all out with Upon system start = and Completed =
Carries out all packets with Completed =
SinglePacketRunnerCarries out an individual packet
RegtestRunnerCarries out an arbitrary number of packets but does not write entries in the history table
RegtestRunnerWithHistoryModified version of the RegtestRunner, which also makes entries in the history table

Overview of the Different Basic Classes



  • All migration packets inherit from this class.
  • It can serve as a base for any type of migration step.

Class attributes

Expected type
versionIntegerSpecifies the version of the packet
done_after_successBooleanSets the checkmark in the Completed field if the migration packet has expired
run_on_startupBooleanCarries out the packet if the server is started in migration mode

Abstract methods

Must be implemented
fix(self, packet_runner)fix() is called by the migration framework. This method contains the actual logic of the packetYes
update(self, packet_runner, previous_packet_uuid)The update() method is opened when a packet has already been run with an inferior version versionNo
rollback(self)This method is opened by the framework after the fix() or update() method if the packet has failedNo

Useful methods

log(self, text)

Writes a handed over text in the logfile of the packet.
Exception instances can also be handed over to the method in order to log them with complete traceback.

    ... # do something that might raise an error
except Exception as err:
    self.log(err) # Call log() from the except clause to get the correct stack frame!
log_heading(self, text, level=0)Schreibt eine Überschrift in das Logfile. level muss ein integer zwischen 0 und 4 sein. The higher, the "smaller" the heading



  • The SQLPacket Basic Class offers several attributes and methods for running SQL statements

Class attributes

sql_planta_de_dbmsPath to the sql/planta_de/<dbms> directory Whereas <dbms> is replaced by the respective database system (oracle/mssql)
sql_planta_ch_dbmsPath to the sql/planta_ch/<dbms> directory Whereas <dbms> is replaced by the respective database system (oracle/mssql)
sql_customer_dbmsPath to the sql/customer/<dbms> directory Whereas <dbms> is replaced by the respective database system (oracle/mssql)
sql_planta_de_ansiPath to the sql/planta_de/<ansi> directory
sql_planta_ch_ansiPath to the sql/planta_ch/<ansi> directory
sql_customer_ansiPath to the sql/customer/<ansi> directory


get_queries_from_file(self, fpath)Reads the file at the specified path, splits the content at the semicolon and returns the result to the list.
modify_and_log(self, query)Carries out the handed over statement with db_modify and returns the number of lines. As a result, the statement as well as the number of changed lines are written into the logfile.



  • The DeprecatedPythonPacket class is useful if you want to find an obsolete Python code in the system.
  • The fix() method is not implemented for this class!

Abstract methods

get_matching_objects(self, iterable_to_filter)This method receives a list of instances. These instances have a source attribute which contains the source text of the object. The method must return a list of these instances that contain the obsolete Python code
introduction(self)The introduction method is opened before the code is searched and can be used to write a short text in the logfile


custom_server_folder_blacklistA tuple of folder names that are to be omitted in the search
custom_server_file_blacklistA tuple of folder names that are to be omitted in the search



  • A class for migrating fields with a Python code to a newer date.
  • Instead of the customizer, the class checks whether the system has a particular condition and whether the changes have been made correctly.
  • To use this function, an md5-Hash of the initial condition as well as of the target condition must be generated.

The following attributes are constants that are passed on as parameters to the migrate_python method.

Field that is to be changed
CU_TYPE_DF_CONFIGData field configuration


migrate_python(self, before_hash, after_hash, cu_type, keys, fix_func)Checks whether the system condition is as expected, makes changes to the system, and checks whether the target condition meets the expectations.

before_hash Md5 hash that is expected in the system
after_hash: Md5 hash that is expected in the system after the change has been made
cu_type: One of the constants listed above
keys: See below
fix_func: A function that accepts the source code as an argument and returns it corrected.

Values for the keys parameter

Expected data type
Expected value
CU_TYPE_IRONPYTHONListDA as string, DF as integer
CU_TYPE_DF_CONFIGListDA as string, DF as integer
CU_TYPE_PROCESS_RULEStringProcess rules



  • Class with methods for changing arbitrary attributes of DTP records.


get_record(self, dt_num, key_list, di_list)A wrapper for the ppms.search_record method that has been extended by logging. Either returns DTPRecord or None
verify_value(self, record, attribute, value)Function for checking the value of arbitrary attributes of a record. The attribute parameter is the DI Python ID of the field to be checked. Returns True or False.
change_value(self, record, attribute, old_value, new_value)Checks the system condition, makes the change, and checks whether the change has been saved correctly. The attribute parameter is the DI Python ID of the field to be changed. Returns True or False.
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