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Object Protection


  • In the object protection data fields, information on the record is saved, e.g. by whom/when it was created or changed, or, according to the license, whether it is a standard record or an individual record.
  • A data table does not have to contain object protection data fields.


  • If a data table has object protection data fields,
    • they must be defined in the following order with the following parameters.
    • the DB pos. must be in the Pos. OS field of the first object protection DI (Created on).
Data item
DI Python ID
Column type
DB length
DF length
Created oncreated_onOS_CREATED_ONDate486
Changed onmodified_onOS_MODIFIED_ONDate486
Created bycreated_byOS_CREATED_BYAlpha, large20206
Modified bymodified_byOS_MODIFIED_BYAlpha, large20206
Owner licenseowner_licenseOS_LICENSEAlpha, large446
OPCopcOS_OPCAlpha, large886
OwnerownerOS_OWNERObject protection for "rwd" output246
GroupgroupOS_GROUPObject protection for "rwd" output246
AnyanyOS_ANYObject protection for "rwd" output246

Object Protection Data Fields

Created by (creating user)

When a record is created, the ID (code) of the logged-on user is automatically entered in this field. The creating user is also the owner of a record.

Created on (creation date)

When a record is created, the time of creation is automatically entered here.

Modified by (modifying user)

When a record is modified, the ID (code) of the logged-on user is automatically entered in this field.

Modified on (modification date)

When a record is modified, the modification date is automatically entered here.

OPC (object protection class)

The content of this data field is set to the user object protection class of the creating user. If an entry has been made for the user and for the data table in question in the

Users: Object Protection/Data Table

module, the


field from this entry will be used. An object protection class can belong to several users. In doing so, several program users will be combined in a so called group. The object protection class is not related to the user class of a user.


Specifies what actions are permitted for records if the user created them himself / herself:

  • r = read
  • w = write/change
  • d = delete

The protection characteristics are shown as follows:

  • rwd = reading, writing, and deletion permitted
  • rw- = reading and writing permitted
  • r-d = reading and deletion permitted
  • r-- = reading permitted only
  • The w and d rights must always be specified together with r, since a record must be read to be changeable/deletable. Hence, to specify "delete only" it is necessary to specify r-d and not merely --d.


Describes what a user is allowed to do with a record if his/her object protection class matches the object protection class entry in the record. Values analogous to Owner (see above).


The authorization for any will apply if the user is not the creating user for the record and does not have the same object protection class as that for the record. Values analogous to Owner (see above).

Owner license

Upon creation of a record, the current license is entered automatically. You can distinguish standard records from individual records by their license.

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