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Customize Modules with Summarization


  • To summarize data from child data areas to a parent data area


  • Depending on the DI type and the application logic, various different summarization types can be used.
  • There are some data fields for which summarization to a parent data area does not make sense. For alphanumeric data fields, it is of particular importance what use is made of a data field that is to be summarized, and how the data structure is set up.


  • Data area
    • Assign the summarization data fields to the source area (area from which the data for summarization stem) and to the target area (area in which the summarized data is displayed).
    • Define the summarization type for the summarization data fields, e.g. 1 = sum.
  • Module
    • Define the target data area as a parent area of the source data area (directly or indirectly via the data area structure).


  • Modules in which summarization and projection are performed are constructed from the bottom up, because the source data stem from there and the origin of the data will therefore be clearer.
  • Data fields can also be summarized in sum areas.
  • Not all DI classes are suitable for summarization (e.g. OLE objects). It is, however, possible to summarize bars; in this case the associated start and end dates are presented in summary form.
  • Alphanumeric DIs contain summarization type = 2.
  • When summarizing from a project structure to a grouped data area, e.g. a main project, summarization type = 2 must be set, because in the project structure only the value of the highest project, which in turn is a main project, is to be summarized.
  • When summarizing to the grouped data areas, you have to consider that this only makes sense for particular data structures.
  • Summarization between parallel data areas is not possible.
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