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Customize Scale Areas


  • By using a scale area, scale fields can be summarized.
  • Scale areas always have to be customized above data areas with date-related data fields (e.g. date bars, projections).
  • In special displays, time scales are not always at the first position in a module.


  • project area
    • scale area 
      • task area

Here, a separate time scale with the underlying task bars is displayed above the tasks of each project.
With this design, the project data area may not contain any bars or other values which are shown below a scale.

 Settings of a scale area

  • Set the DA class parameter to 1.
  • Assign the required scale fields to the scale area: one data field per grid.
    • E.g. DI 002101 Scale CW GL/HL/HF for week grid
  • Set the DF behavior = o and Filter criteria = for the scale fields (except for day scales).
  • At module data area assignment level, define the scale for the scale area in the Scale field.

Rules for positioning bars and projection values below time scales

  • Bars and other data fields are shown in a line, next to one another, in the order in which the data fields are arranged.
  • Projected values are displayed (from and including the first line) one below another, in the order in which the data fields are arranged.

Synchronization of scales

  • If, for instance every project has its own scale, all of them should have the same standard scale factor and should begin and end at the same time.


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