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Embed Customer Logo


  • The customer logo is to be displayed in modules (as a product logo), in the print header, and as a splash screen.

Step 1: Make customer logos available as graphic files

  • PLANTA supports the .png and .jpg formats.
  • The maximum picture size can vary depending on the Windows settings.
    • If you use the default Windows settings, the image sizes of the PLANTA logos stored by default can serve as an orientation (height * width).
      • Product logo: 49 px * 458 px
      • Print header 32 px * 32 px
      • Splash screen: 478 px * 475 px

Step 2: Use the logo in modules (as a product logo)

  • Open Customizer → Layout Objects OLEs Product Logos module variant.
  • Insert a blank record.
  • Allocate a name in the Name field.
    • The OLE number is generated automatically.
  • Select the Product logos value from the listbox in the Category field.
  • Insert the provided file for the modules in the Standard OLE field.
  • Save.
  • Click on the Use system-wide as logo button for the newly created OLE.

    • The Do you want to embed the required graphic as a product logo system-wide? The product logo of all modules will be replaced by this logo. dialog message will be displayed.
    • Confirm this message with Yes.
    • Restart the program.
    • All existing modules of the system now have the new product logo.
    • For new modules, the new product logo is automatically set as the default product logo.

Step 3: Use the logo in the print header

  • Open Customizer → Layout Objects OLEs.
  • Allocate a name in the Name field.
    • The OLE number is generated automatically.
  • Insert the provided file for the print header in the Standard OLE field.
  • Save.
  • Open Customizer → Layout ObjectsSkins.
  • Memorize the ID number for the module for print areas in the Module for Print Areas field or copy it via CTRL + C.
  • Open Customizer → Module CustomizerModules
  • Create the individual print module by copying the Module for print areas.
    • Enter the ID number of the module to be copied in the Copy from data field.
    • After you have pressed ENTER, a new module number is generated in the MOD data field.
    • Enter a new title in the Module data field.
    • Save. When you save, all the parameters of the source module as well as its subobjects (submodules, data areas, module variants) are copied to the new module.
  • Open the Print header data area in the individual print module.
  • Enter the OLE ID (DBOLE (ID) in the Default value field.
  • Adjust the position if necessary.
  • Save.
  • Open Customizer → Layout ObjectsSkins.
  • Select the required skin from the listbox.
  • In the Module for Print Areas field, enter the ID number of the individual module.
  • Save.

Step 4: Using the logo as a splash screen

  • Replace the splash.png file under %client_folder%/Resources/ by the provided file.

See also: Splash Screen, Use Product or Company Logo

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