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Application Link


  • Using the application link you can open the PLANTA project desktop client from other applications, e.g. from the web client.
  • The link is parameterizable and can directly trigger functions via the included parameters.
  • When you start the application, the server hands over the planta_protocol_handler attribute which you can configure in the Global Settings.
    <Program system_title="..." ... planta_protocol_handler="planta_handler" />
  • The name of the protocol handler may vary depending on the system.
  • The client parses the value of the attribute and checks whether such a protocol handler is already registered in the Windows Registry. If not, the handler is registered.
  • If you open an application link, the client which is defined for the specified URL is called and the call parameters are handed over to the server.
  <Program name="PLANTA Client" vendor="PLANTA" version="DebugVersion" protocol_version="4" />
  <Protocol_parameters value="test" />
  • The server calls the pms.cmd.handle_protocol_action(command) function. The “command” parameter corresponds to the string to “planta://”.
  • The handle_protocol_action function checks the DT330 Protocol action and searches the function for the respective call there.
  • The corresponding function is imported and executed.
  • If no stored function has been found or if the import fails, an error message is displayed.


  • Call: planta://Portfolio/F_E/Report/000001/ExportPDF
    • Action: Portfolio/<portfolio_id>/Report/<report_id>/ExportPDF
    • Function: ppms.protocol.portfolio.export_report_pdf
  • During the call, the export_report_pdf function is executed and receives “F_E” as “portfolio_id” parameter and “000001” as “report_id” parameter.
  • The basic definition of the protocol reads: <protocol name>://<command>
  • The <protocol name> stems from the global PLANTA protocol name setting.

  • If several clients are used, e.g. development/test/productive system, each system should receive its own protocol name to open the appropriate system respectively.

  • The <command> describes a call with parameters which is linked to a particular action.

  • To customize fields with application link, you can use buttons or link data fields.
  • You have to store a Python script for the data field.
  • If the user clicks on the button/link, the Python script is executed and sends a command to the client which contains the application link and possible call parameters.
  • New actions can be stored in the PLANTA Protocol MOD009DQL module.

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