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Create Module Structure


  • Click on the Modules link in the Module customizer work area.
  • The eponymous module will be opened in which a new module can be created and the parameters of the module can be defined.
  • Enter a title for the new module in the Module field and save. A new ID number for the new module is allocated automatically.

You have now defined the structure and the header data of a new module. In the next topic you will learn how to create data areas for the new module and how to fill them with data fields.

Create Modules by Copying


  • Alternatively, a module can be created by creating a copy of an already existing module. As a result, you generate a 1:1 copy of the source module.


  • Enter the the ID of the user module to be copied to the Copy from data field in the Modules module (e.g. 0099JB for the Project Core Data module).
  • By pressing ENTER, a new module ID will be generated in the MOD data field.
  • Enter the new module title in the Module data field.
  • Save. Upon saving, all parameters of the source module as well as its subobjects (submodules, data areas, module variants) are copied to the new module.

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