PLANTA distinguishes hard-coded standard context menu commands like insert, display, edit, (un)mark and delete, the availability of which in the context menu is defined via customizing parameters and via individual context menu commands which can be created for individual data areas via customizing.
Standard Context Menu
Context Menu Command: Insert
Define the following parameters for the data area that you want to receive this function in the module data area assignment level:
As a result, the Insert context menu entry is created for the corresponding data area. If the parameters have other values, no entry will be generated.
The context menu is composed of the Insert text constant and the data table name of the data area. Here, it is decisive which table the DDI stems from. You can modify this text by making an entry in the Context menu text data field.
The context menu for the corresponding area would be: Insert → Project.
If you do not only want to insert but also create in this data area, you have to activate Create in addition.
Context Menu Command: Display
The Display via right-click function is available for all data areas, unless the Never show parameter is activated.
Context Menu Command: Delete
The Delete function is deactivated in the context menu by default.
If the command is to be active in the context menu, activate the Delete checkbox for the corresponding data area. Here you have to make sure that the Delete module parameter under Other Module Parameters is activated as well (it is active by default when you create new modules).
Individual Context Menu
For each data area you can customize individual context menu commands with the help of which different actions like, e.g., opening modules, macros, etc. can be started.
Button for the context menu
If the ContextMenuButtonActive parameter in the Client Skin Parameters is activated, the context menu can also be opened via the icon instead of right-clicking.
By default, the button is only displayed in modules with tabular view. Via customizing you can also have the button displayed in modules with alternative layout.
By default, the icon is displayed on the first field of the record.
Defines whether the button is to be displayed for the context menu in data areas with actual customizing.
Possible values: true, false
String which represents the code of a font awesome icon which is to be used as icon for the button.
Value for the color of the button if there are no individual context menu commands
Possible values: RGB (0-255)
Value for the color of the button if there are no individual context menu commands
Possible values: RGB (0-255)
Width of the button in px
Possible values: Integer numbers
Horizontal alignment of the button
Possible values: Left, Center, Right
Vertical alignment of the button
Possible values: Top, Center, Bottom
The client searches the data fields of a data area for settings for the context menu button: The first settings found are used and the remaining data fields are not checked.
In the Client Skin Parameters, color and symbol of the button can also be adjusted globally.
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