Embed Customer Logo
Embed Customer Logo
The customer logo is to be displayed in modules (as a product logo), in the print header, and as a splash screen.
Step 1: Make customer logos available as graphic files
PLANTA supports the .png and .jpg formats.
The maximum picture size can vary depending on the Windows settings.
If you use the default Windows settings, the image sizes of the PLANTA logos stored by default can serve as an orientation (height * width).
Product logo: 49 px * 458 px
Print header 32 px * 32 px
Splash screen: 478 px * 475 px
Step 2: Use the logo in modules (as a product logo)
Open Customizer → Layout Objects → OLEs → Product Logos module variant.
Insert a blank record.
Allocate a name in the Name field.
The OLE number is generated automatically.
Select the Product logos value from the listbox in the Category field.
Insert the provided file for the modules in the Standard OLE field.
Click on the Use system-wide as logo button for the newly created OLE.
- The Do you want to embed the required graphic as a product logo system-wide? The product logo of all modules will be replaced by this logo. dialog message will be displayed.
- Confirm this message with Yes.
- Restart the program.
- All existing modules of the system now have the new product logo.
- For new modules, the new product logo is automatically set as the default product logo.
Step 3: Use the logo in the print header
Open Customizer → Layout Objects → OLEs.
Allocate a name in the Name field.
The OLE number is generated automatically.
Insert the provided file for the print header in the Standard OLE field.
Open Customizer → Layout Objects → Skins.
Memorize the ID number for the module for print areas in the Module for Print Areas field or copy it via CTRL + C.
Open Customizer → Module Customizer → Modules
Create the individual print module by copying the Module for print areas.
Enter the ID number of the module to be copied in the Copy from data field.
After you have pressed ENTER, a new module number is generated in the MOD data field.
Enter a new title in the Module data field.
Save. When you save, all the parameters of the source module as well as its subobjects (submodules, data areas, module variants) are copied to the new module.
Open the Print header data area in the individual print module.
Enter the OLE ID (DBOLE (ID) in the Default value field.
Adjust the position if necessary.
Open Customizer → Layout Objects → Skins.
Select the required skin from the listbox.
In the Module for Print Areas field, enter the ID number of the individual module.
Step 4: Using the logo as a splash screen
Replace the splash.png file under %client_folder%/Resources/ by the provided file.
See also: Splash Screen, Use Product or Company Logo |