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utilities - data

The data module provides functions for verifying project data such as whether certain records exist or if they are allowed to be modified




Return Value
LoadCheck.__init__(self, planta_id)planta_id: UUID of the load recordNone
NoneCheck if booking is cancelled and, if so, raise BookingCancelledException.
NoneVerifies whether the booking would violate the deadline. If automatic posting cancelation is not enabled for bookings past the deadline, this raises a DeadlineException.
NoneVerifies whether the booking is locked by the interface. If automatic posting cancelation is not enabled for bookings locked by the interface, this raises a subclass of WebInterfaceException.
NoneVerifies whether the booking is allowed to be modified by invoking all other methods of this class, which in turn raise a subclass of WebInterfaceException if not allowed.
NoneVerifies whether the bookings task or project are finished. If automatic posting cancelation is not enabled for bookings on finished tasks or project, this raises a TaskFinishedException or ProjectFinishedException, respectively.
NoneVerifies whether the booking is released. If automatic posting cancelation is not enabled for released bookings, this raises a subclass of ReleasedException.


Return Value
check_date_against_posting_type(project_id, date)project_id: ID of the project (DI001001)
date: java Date object
True if allowed, False otherwiseChecks whether the posting type allows bookings on this date
check_deadline(date=None)date: java Date objectNoneVerifies whether the booking would violate the deadline. If automatic posting cancelation is not enabled for bookings past the deadline, this raises a DeadlineException
check_if_booking_is_possible(project_id, task_id, date)project_id: ID of the project (DI001001)
task_id: ID of the task (DI001098)
date: java Date object
FalseCheck if creating a booking for the given parameters is possible

Raises a subclass of WebInterfaceException if not
check_load_creation(project_id, task_id, resource_id, date, load, load_id=None)project_id: ID of the project (DI001001)
task_id: ID of the task (DI001098)
resource_id: ID of the resource (DI001218)
date: java Date object
load: load value (float)

load_id: UUID of the load record
NoneCheck if a load may be created with the given data

Raises a subclass of WebInterfaceException if we may not create a load
check_load_modification(planta_id)planta_id: UUID of the load recordNoneCheck if a load may be modified with the given data

Raises a subclass of WebInterfaceException if we may not modify a load
check_negative_load(load)load: load value (float)NoneCheck if the load value is negative

Raises a subclass of WebInterfaceException if the load value is negative and posting cancelation is enabled
check_project_or_task_are_finished_based_on_project_and_task(project_id, task_id)project_id: ID of the project (DI001001)
task_id: ID of the task (DI001098)
NoneCheck if the assigned project/task for a given load are finished
check_resource_assignment_is_finished(project_id, task_id, resource_id)project_id: ID of the project (DI001001)
task_id: ID of the task (DI001098)
resource_id: ID of the resource (DI001218)
NoneCheck if the resource assignment has an actual end and raise ResourceAssignmentFinishedException if so
Current deadline (java Date object)Return the current deadline date
get_default_cost_type_from_resource(resource_id)resource_id: UUID of the resource recordDefault cost type of the resourceGet the default cost type of the given resource
get_reporting_start_and_end(project_id, task_id)project_id: ID of the project (DI001001)
task_id: ID of the task (DI001098)
Tuple of reporting start, reporting end as java Date objectsGet the reporting start and end dates of the given task in the given project
get_task_position(task_id)task_id: UUID of the task recordPosition of the task (Integer)Get the position of the given task
is_valid_resource(resource_id)resource_id: ID of the resource (DI001218)True if resource exists, False otherwiseCheck whether the given resource exists
load_exists(item)item: UUID of the load recordTrue if load exists, False otherwiseCheck whether the given load exists
max_hours_reached(resource_id, date, load, load_id=None)resource_id: ID of the resource (DI001218)
date: java Date object
load: load value (float)

load_id: UUID of the load record
NoneCheck if the maximum allowed hours for the given resource/date combination are reached and raise MaxHoursReachedException if so
project_exists(project_id)project_id: UUID of the project recordTrue if project exists, False otherwiseCheck whether the given project exists
project_is_active(project_id)project_id: ID of the project (DI001001)True if project is active, False otherwiseCheck whether the given project is active
project_is_locked(project_id)project_id: ID of the project (DI001001)True if project is locked, False otherwiseCheck whether the given project is locked
resource_exists(resource_id)resource_id: UUID of the resource recordTrue if resource exists, False otherwiseCheck whether the given resource exists
resource_is_assigned_to_task(project_id, task_id, resource_id)project_id: ID of the project (DI001001)
task_id: ID of the task (DI001098)
resource_id: ID of the resource (DI001218)
True if resource is assigned to task, False otherwiseCheck whether the given resource is assigned to the given task in the given project
task_exists(task_id)task_id: UUID of the task recordTrue if task exists, False otherwiseCheck whether the given task exists
task_is_locked(project_id, task_id)project_id: ID of the project (DI001001)
task_id: ID of the task (DI001098)
True if task is locked, False otherwiseCheck whether the given task in the given project is locked

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