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Customize Traffic Light DI

Variant 1


  • A traffic light DI is a complex DI which contains sub-DIs in its construction.
    • Depending on the values of these sub-DIs, the traffic light DI can change the symbol.
  • Traffic light DIs can be stored on a data field. It can be used to change its symbol (e.g. the color or font).


  • Open Customizer → System Customizer → Data Dictionary.
  • Create a traffic light DI in the same data table as the DI to be checked and define the following parameters:
  • Assign sub-DIs to the newly created traffic light DI in the Data Items module.
    • One and the same DI can be used as a sub-DI several times with different values in Value from and Value to
      • Example
        • The field is to be displayed blue for PR code A, yellow for B, and green for C. For this purpose, the PR code DI is assigned as a sub-DI trice.
    • You can also assign different DIs as a sub-DI.
      • Example
        • If a task is a summary task, the font is to be displayed bold and red if it is locked. For this purpose, the Summary task and TA locked sub-DIs are assigned to the traffic light DI.
  • Define the sub-DIs as follows:
    • For Function = A:
    • Make a symbol assignment in the UDI symbol data field
      • Which symbol (or the symbol of which sub-DI) will be used depends on
        • the values in Value from and Value to
        • and the Pos. if the values of several sub-DIs simultaneously lie within the given frame.
    • Enter the respective values in the Value from and Value to data fields. Not only the absolute values, but also variables can be used here.
      • The traffic light takes effect if the sub-DIs lie within the frame defined here.
      • Select 2 in the Option data field if you want the traffic light to take effect for values that lie outside the given frame.
  • Save.

Variant 2


  • Create a traffic light DI as a normal DI.
  • Set the VR type = "PY".
  • Customize the Python value range as described here.
  • Assign the traffic light DI to the required data area.


  • PLANTA has defined threshold values for the traffic light colors red, yellow, green, which are controlled via global variables.
    • These threshold values can be adjusted individually in the Global Variables module (to be opened via Customizer → Master Data → Variables).
  • The traffic light symbols overwrite the symbol stored in the Symbol ID data field.


  • When customizing traffic lights, the data item can be assigned to itself as a child data item.
  • This is helpful if you want to avoid using an additional traffic light data item.
See also: Traffic Lights section of the Module Workflow
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