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Data-Driven Events MOD009D60


  • Customizer → System Customizer → Events → Data-Driven Events

Data-Driven Events are programmable events which are run when data is written. Further information on events


  • In this module, data-driven events are created and modified.

Create Data-Driven Event


  • Insert a new event data record via F4 or by clicking on the Insert button.

    • The Create Event module is opened in which the required event data can be entered.
    • Select the event type and the function type for the data table to which the event is to refer.
    • Allocate a function name.
    • Optionally you can specify a condition and/or make an entry in the Parameter field.
    • If the event is to be active directly, mark the Activated checkbox.
      • An event is only executed if the Activated checkbox is activated.
    • Save.

Edit an event


  • In the context menu of the required event, select the Edit event option.
  • The Create/Edit Event module is opened automatically.
    • Adjust the required event data.

Module Variants

BaseBasic parameters on data-driven events are displayed.
ExtendedIn addition to the basic parameters, the Condition and Parameter parameters will be displayed.

See also: Programmable Events, DT312 Events

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