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Customize Date Listboxes with Calendar Function


  • Using the Calendar Control function you can customize special date listboxes (calendar listboxes) for date data fields.
  • General information on date listboxes with calendar function and its use, please click here.


  • Open the required data area in the Data Areas module.
  • For the required date field
    • Select DF behavior = cc.
    • The Do you want to copy in the template for the cc data field? message is displayed.
      • Yes:
        • Three types of templates are offered for selection.
        • Select the required template.
        • The selected template is automatically copied to the Data field configuration field.
        • Parameters can be adapted in the Data field configuration field afterwards, if necessary.
      • No:

ParameterDescriptionPermitted valuesNot permitted values
def_start_dateDefault start date
  • Absolute values (e.g. "08/14/2009")
  • System variables with/without operations (e.g. "@123" oder "@123+10")
  • Dynamic Variables
  • Python IDs
start_dateStart date
  • Absolute values (e.g. "08/14/2009")
  • System variables with/without operations
  • Dynamic variables with/without operations (e.g. @D123+15)
  • Python ID of the start date data field

def_end_dateDefault end date
  • Absolute values (e.g. "08/14/2009")
  • System variables with/without operations (e.g. "@123" oder "@123+10")
  • Dynamic Variables
  • Python IDs
end_dateEnd date
  • Absolute values (e.g. "08/14/2009")
  • System variables with/without operations
  • Dynamic variables with/without operations (e.g. "@D123+15")
  • Python ID of the end date data field

def_calendarDefault calendar ID
  • Values from DI000305 Calendar from DT418 Calendar (e.g. "BK")
  • System variables (e.g. "@123")
  • Dynamic Variables
  • Python IDs
calendarCalender ID
  • Values (values from DI000305 Calendar from DT418 Calendar )
  • System variables
  • Dynamic variables (e.g. @D123)
  • Python ID of the data field which defines the calendar

def_selection_modeDefault selection mode
  • Values ("working", "non_working", "all")
  • System variables
  • Dynamic variables or
  • Python IDs
selection_modeSelection mode
  • Python ID of the data field which defines the selection mode
  • Dynamic variables (e.g. @D123)
  • System variables
  • Values ("working", "non_working", "all")

xamlXML document with a root element containing XAML settings for calendar control.


  • Each parameter is entered in a new line.
  • Structure schema: param_name=value
  • For default parameters, the entered value applies to the entire column.
  • For non-default parameters, the entered value only applies for the corresponding record.
    • If both non-default and default parameters are entered, the non-default parameters overwrite the default parameters.
  • All customizing settings are saved in a string: "attr1=Wert1;attr2=Wert2;..."
  • If you use variables for the values and add or subtract certain day figures, you have to make sure that before and after operations no white spaces are entered.
    • E.g. the entry "@D123 + 10" is interpreted as "@D123" since the entry is followed by a whitespace in the first case.
  • DI/DF Python IDs cannot be combined with other values.
    • E.g. "end_date=requested_end+10" is not supported while "end_date=requested_end" is supported.


def_start_date = 01.01.1970
def_end_date = 31.12.2099
calendar= @G150

xaml = <StackPanel 
    <toolkit:Calendar xmlns:toolkit="clr-namespace:Microsoft.Windows.Controls;assembly=WPFToolkit" 
    Margin ="0,-3,0,-2">


  • For the complete Calendar Control documentation, see:

Set input only via listbox


  • As in the case of regular listboxes, when embedding date listboxes in a module, the customizer can use the Input only via listbox parameter to define for date listboxes that only data from the listbox can be taken.
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