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DT404 Submodule


The ID of the submodule item is entered here

DI040930 Submodule

Module title of the submodule

DI040813 Positioning

Determines the position of the submodule in the panel.


  • 0: Tab (the position of the submodule is dependent on the values in Dock to module here).
  • 1: right
  • 2: left
  • 3: bottom
  • 4: top
See also: General Information on Panels, Customize Module Panel

DI040814 Module size

If the submodule is not full screen (Positioning is nonzero), this data field defines the size of the submodule.


  • Permissible values: between 0 and 1 (= 100 %).


  • 0,3 = 30 % of the window size

DI028201 Code

This parameter defines along with the Dock to module parameter which module the submodule is docked to.


  • Together with Positioning, these two parameters determine the position of the submodule in the panel.
  • The Code must be unique, therefore a sequential number should be used.
    • If the Code is not unique, the submodule will have no menu.

DI040812 Dock to module

Here you can define which submodule is docked to


  • Code of another submodule: Dock to this submodule
  • 0: The module is displayed as a tab behind the main module
  • -1:
    • Positioning = 0: The module is displayed as a tab at the right of the main module.
    • Positioning = 1-4: The module is displayed in the floating/fixed module window at the position defined in the Positioning parameter (dependent on the Auto Hide parameter).


  • In Docking to module, there must not be the same value as in the Code data field. This is prevented by a value range.
  • The docking module is to be positioned in front of the modules that are docked.

DI040902 Foreground

Determines which submodule is displayed in the foreground.


  • If this parameter is not set for any module, the main module will be displayed in the foreground.

DI040903 Auto hide

Defines whether the submodule is displayed as a floating or fixed module window It only takes effect for Positioning = 1-4 and Dock to module = -1.


  • : Submodule is displayed as a floating module window
  • : Submodule is displayed as a fixed module window

DI040811 Execute macro

Determines whether the macro of the submodule is executed at module start.


  • : Macro is executed at module start.
  • : Macro is not executed at module start.

DI059306 Show

Determines whether the submodule is loaded, i.e. displayed in the panel, when starting its main module.


  • : Submodule is loaded when its main module is started
  • : Submodule is not loaded when its main module is started

DI027898 Pos.

Order in which the submodules are opened

DI028117 Variant

Currently without function

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