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DT415 Data table

The creation, modification, and deletion of data items in data tables of the Q1B and Q2B schemas must only be carried out by PLANTA. DT400 presents an exception as it can also contain customer-individual DIs.


  • If system customizing changes are made to data tables or data items (e.g. new data items created, data item parameters changed), the menu item Tools → Restart PLANTA service must be executed to make the changes visible.
    • Note: If you click on the menu item, all open client connections (sessions) are closed. New client connections are not possible during restart. Changes to I-texts, e.g. changes to the DI designation or adjustments to value ranges (including the VR type), present an exception.
    • Before restarting the service, the target directory must be deleted so that it can be created again when the service is restarted to ensure that the POJO classes it contains, which are responsible for the metadata of the data dictionary, are generated anew.


  • Each data table in PLANTA must possess a UUID. This includes:
    • a UUID data item
      • The ID of the UUID data item must furthermore be stored in the Universally Unique Identifier DI field.
    • the corresponding UUID column in the database

DI000265 DT

A three or four digit ID of the data table.


  • The number ranges for customer-specific data tables are 600-799 and 6000-8999.

DI001571 Data table

Name of the data table

DI000216 Variable name

Is used for databases which are addressed internally via SQL. COntains the names of the data tables as they are defined in the database.

DI000266 DB schema

ID of the database

DI000928 Pos.OS

Initial position of the Object Protection data items. It is the DB position of the Created on DI.


  • If a wrong value is entered here, the object protection fields are possibly set incorrectly or not set at all when data is edited.

DI001985 DI for autom. pos.

For data tables for the records of which an internal sorting is important, the ID of the position DI is entered here.


  • Check upon creation, if the data table has an automatic pos. number
    • In case nothing is entered in the DT in DI for autom. pos.:
      • No further check. Insertion is possible.
    • In case the DI for autom. pos DI does not have DB type N4:
      • Dialog message "0100". Insertion is not possible.

DI004269 Zero values allowed

The parameter determines whether the data records of the corresponding data table are considered valid if they have a ZERO value. This parameter determines whether the value ZERO is permitted in the foreign key field in referencing data tables (i.e. data tables with a foreign key to this table).


  • : On the field of the foreign key in the referenced data table, the value ZERO is valid.
  • : On the field of the foreign key in the referenced data table, the value ZERO is not valid.


  • For data table 441 Language, Zero value allowed = . In data table 462 Project note there is a foreign key for data table 441.
    • Result: In DT 462 Project note a record can be created in which the Language code field is empty or in which database is ZERO.
  • For data table 467 Resource, Zero value allowed = . In data table 466 Resource assignment there is a foreign key for data table 467.
    • Result: In DT 466 Resource assignment no record can be created in which the Resource field is empty or in which database is ZERO.

DI060097 Activated

Defines whether a data table is (de)activated. Id a data table is deactivated, all Dis contained in it are automatically deactivated. Data tables which are to be deleted can be deactivated in a first step, e.g. for testing purposes, and then be deleted permanently in a second step.


  • : The data table is activated.
  • : The data table is deactivated. This means that the data table does not exist in the Data Dictionary of the server. The following applies to to all DIs of a deactivated data table:
    • If a deactivated DI is used in a module, it is still displayed in Customizing.

        • If a module is started with a deactivated DI, the behavior differs depending on the DI:
          • If it is a real DI ( Virtual = ), the IE: FATAL ERROR: get_dip: DI 123456 not found error message is displayed.
          • If it is a virtual DI ( Virtual = ), the DI is not loaded, i.e. it is not displayed.


    • If a schema is deactivated (DI060096 Activated = ), all contained data tables are automatically deactivated (DI060097 Activates = ), i.e. the setting of the schema overwrites the setting of the data table.
    • If a data table is deactivated (DI060097 Activated = ), all data items contained in it are deactivated as well (DI060111 Activated = ). The opposite, however, is not true. It is possible to deactivate individual data items in an active data table.
    • As soon as the value in one of the three parameters mentioned (DI060111, DI060096 or DI060097) is changed and saved, a script is created in the working directory and a message is output at the same time: Due to your changes to DT412, your database must be adjusted. Please select the appropriate ./22*.sql file (depending on the database system) and run the content on your database.

        • The message is only displayed once in the same session, i.e. only when the DI060111 or DI060097 or DI060096 is changed for the first time.
      • If a data table is deactivated, it is displayed grayed-out in the Data table listbox in the Data Dictionary module.

      DI063257 Entity name

      A name is assigned here to access the entities (data tables) under HQL.


      • The entity name must be unique.
      • The entity name must not be empty.
      • In the standard, English entity names are allocated.
      • The entity name must comply with the Java class name conventions.

      DI063234 Historization

      The parameter defines whether the data items of a specific data table can be historized. In order for them to actually be historicized, the Historization parameter must be activated for each individual required data item.


      • If you try to activate the Historization parameter for a data item without activating the Historization parameter on the data table, the following message is displayed: Historization not possible, historization is disabled for DT!
      See also : Data Table Historization

      DI061211 Universally Unique Identifier DI

      In this field, the ID of the UUID data item is specified.

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