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DT584 Chart data series

DI066183 UUID

Universally Unique Identifier of the data series (primary key)

DI066227 Type

Chart type in which the data series are to be represented

The parameter can be edited in the following module by users with modification rights:

DI066228 Name

Name of the data series which is displayed in the legend

The parameter can be edited in the following module by users with modification rights:

DI066229 Text

Text which is displayed at the data points of the data series

The parameter can be edited in the following module by users with modification rights:

DI066231 Action

Name of the data field which is activated when a data point is clicked on

The parameter can be edited in the following module by users with modification rights:

DI066230 Data points

DI066232 Grouping

Name of the data field which is to be used for grouping the source data areas

The parameter can be edited in the following module by users with modification rights:

DI066739 GroupName

DI066234 X

Name of the data field the value of which is to be used as X value of the chart data points

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DI066233 Y

Name of the data field the value of which is to be used as Y value of the chart data points

The parameter can be edited in the following module by users with modification rights:

DI066235 High

Highest value of the area

DI066236 Low

Lowest value of the area

DI066237 Radius

Radius of pie charts in percent

DI066238 Inner radius

Inner radius of pie charts in percent

DI066239 Explode offset

Distance from the explosion to the center in pixels or in percent

DI066240 Explode

Checkbox which defines whether the data points of a pie chart are to be exploded upon mouse-click

DI066241 Pie label position

Position of the label in pie charts


  • Inside: label is placed within the data point

  • Outside: label is placed outside the data point

DI066700 Pie label size

Font size of the label in pie charts in pixels (default = 12)

DI066732 Pie label overflow

Defines the action which is effected when the content does not fit in the label. Values: Ellipse, Clip

DI066733 Pie label text wrap

Defines the action which is effected when the content does not fit in the label. Values: Normal, AnyWhere, Wrap

DI066731 Pie label width

Defines the maximum width of the pie chart label.

DI066737 Column width

Defines the width of the columns in Gantt charts. If the parameter is not set, the width is automatically calculated based on the chart size.

DI066738 Column spacing

Defines the spacing between the columns in Gantt charts. If the parameter is not set, the spacing is automatically calculated based on the chart size.

DI066745 Frame width

Determines the frame width of the empty rhombs in master milestone status charts (scatter plots)

The parameter can be edited in the following module by users with modification rights:

DI066246 Symbol

Symbol which is used for the data point

DI066254 Size

Size of bubble data series

DI066253 Invert size

Checkbox which defines whether the size is to be inverted in bubble data series. When activated, greater values will be represented by smaller bubbles.

DI066255 Minimum radius

Minimum radius of bubble data series

DI066256 Maximum radius

Maximum radius of bubble data series

DI066307 Initially visible

Defines whether the data series will be visible when a chart is loaded for the first time. At least one data series in the cart must be defined as initially visible.

DI066421 Label symbol

Applies the data field color to the data point. Works with traffic lights.

The parameter can be edited in the following module by users with modification rights:

DI066580 Zero value behavior

This parameter is used to configure how 0 values are taken into account and how they are displayed in the chart. Possible settings:

  • Zero

  • Drop

  • Gap

  • Average

The parameter can be edited in the following module by users with modification rights:

DI066310 DA Python ID

ID of the data area to which the data series belongs

The parameter can be edited in the following module by users with modification rights:

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