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Dynamic Variables MOD000602



  • In this module, dynamic variables can be created and edited.
  • Dynamic Variables save values in subject to user operations and are updated in the data item
See also: Information on Variables


  • The module is subdivided into the Individual variables and Standard variables areas.
    • In the area headings, the number ranges which are used for these variables are specified.

Create Dynamic Variables

  • Right-click to insert an empty record via Insert → Individual Variable or Insert → Standard variable
  • Enter the variable number in the Dynamic Variable data field.
    • The number must be in the individual number range and be composed as follows: three digit customer license + a three digit number from 000 to 999. It is only necessary to enter the three-digit number, the customer license is automatically prefixed after the entry.
    • For PLANTA standard variables, the number range 1-9999 is reserved.
  • Enter the data item which is to receive the dynamic value in the DI data field.
  • Possibly set Code and Search behavior.
  • Save.


  • It is possible to define several dynamic variables with different codes or search behavior for a data item.
  • The content of dynamic variables can be edited using macro commands.
  • In contrast to other variable types, @D-variables cannot be reset since the value is dynamic anyway.

Technical details

  • Upon the following actions, those variables the data items of which exist in the active or a parent record will be updated. If the active record is a button area, its upper areas are searched. Only applies if the code of the corresponding variable is 1 or 5.
    • Opening a listbox
    • Clicking on a button
    • Clicking on a link
    • Activating a function via the right mouse button
  • First, the system searches a suitable DI in the active record. If none is found, a search is made in the higher-level records.
  • If the record which was activated is empty, only the dynamic variables on its key fields are updated (usually deleted). This is intended in particular to prevent the deletion of e.g. @D7 (DI001052 main project).
  • Dynamic variables for data items the data field of which displays summarized values (summarization type not 0) are not updated.
  • If a change is made to an @D variable, this change will not affect the value of the associated data item.
  • Dynamic variables that are located on a data item with an automatic number are filled with this value when an automatic number is generated.
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