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Customizing Using Variables


  • Variables are values which are changed by the PLANTA software subject to conditions and operations.
  • Variables may be hard-coded or they are determined by the customizer.
  • Depending on its use, data is either saved in variables or read from variables.
  • Variables are used for the following purposes:
    • to search for data using values stored in variables
    • to set a value as a standard value
    • to restrict a user’s rights to access data
    • to read the last value called by a user and make it available as input
    • to define data across systems which control the behavior of dependent data.

A user with access to customizing modules and customizing menu items

  • can consult information on existing variables via the Tools → Variables menu items or by pressing the F6 key.
  • can use existing variables for filtering data.
  • can use existing variables for customizing modules and functions.
  • can create new variables and change existing ones in the respective modules.
Variable typeLayout objectsDescriptionRemarks

System variables

@<number>System variables are values which are defined uniquely in the system. System variables are hard-coded and cannot be changed by the end user. They apply session-wide.Particularity: System variable @83 contains individually defined parameters.

Global Variables

@G<number>Static variables. They apply system-wide and are user-independent.

Dynamic Variables

@D<number>Dynamic variables save values subject to user operations and are updated in the data item

User variable

@U<number>Static variables. They apply user-independently.

User variables can be used to

  • restrict access rights to data.
  • make certain values available to the user as default values.

List Variables

@L<number>Variable which may contain multiple values (list).

You have to enter a value in the @L variable field to effect setting @L for the opening module (like in set_new_L_var(var_no, values)).

  • set_current_L_var(var_no, values): Set @L for use in the current module, e.g. in filter criteria. Examples

    mod_obj = ppms.get_target_module()
    mod_obj.set_current_L_var(5, [4711])
    • set @L5 in the current module to 4711
    mod_obj = ppms.get_target_module()
    target_obj = mod_obj.open_module(target_id)
    target_obj.set_current_L_var(5, [4811])
    • set @L5 in the module with the "target_ID" ID to 4811
  • set_new_L_var(var_no, values): set @L for all modules which are opened from the current one.
    • When you open the new module, a "copy" of @L will be created. The "new @L" of the current module becomes the "current @L" of the newly called module.
      • Example: if you set @L to 4711 with set_new_L_var() and than open a module and set in a previous module @L to 4811 with set_new_L_var(), the content of @L in the successor module is still 4711.

Variable for Manual Search Lists

@M<number>Variable the search values of which are summarized as a list.

Variables for manual search lists can be used for filtering. Advantages:

  • No manual additive search.
  • No complex customizing for workaround solutions.


  • Data items of DB type X can have all variable types as a default value.
  • Data items of DB type N2, N4, and N8 can only be set by system or dynamic variables of the same type. A calculation of form @15-10 is possible here.

Create and Manage Variables

Variables (except system variables) are created and managed in the eponymous modules under Customizer → Master Data

Modules of the panel

Filtering with Variables


  • In addition to fixed filter criteria, variable criteria are often required.
  • In PLANTA, different types of variables can be used as filter criteria:
Variable typeExample as a filter criterion / particularities
System variables@15= today's date, @36=First day of the current week
@37= Last day of the current week, @42= First day of the current year, etc.
Numeric system variables can also be used with calculations, e.g. @15-10.
If the PLANTA software is used in a multi-language environment, it makes sense to use the following system variables when presetting the filter criteria.
@Y = yes/activated checkbox, @N = no/deactivated checkbox,

Global Variables
Dynamic VariablesNumeric variables can also be used with calculations, e.g. with scale ranges @D4000+200. Joker functions can be used.

Variables for Manual Search Lists

Filter criteria which do not form a uniform chain, e.g. different projects, can be loaded additively via manual search lists.

  • The values per @M variable are linked by a logical "or".
  • @M variables have a uniform assignment to the content of a data field, e.g. only project IDs in the @M variable for Project.


  • When using variables in the filter criteria, the case of the characters must be considered.
    • Filtering by @y on checkbox data fields results in zero hits, when filtering by @Y, all activated checkboxes are found.
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