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Python Integration



  • There are three Python interpreters integrated in the PLANTA software:
    • CPython
    • Jython
    • IronPython


  • File directories:
    • Server: Python modules as script files (Cpython and Jython)
    • Client: IronPython modules that can open Python functions (lib directory)

Client-Server RPC

Client Server Interaction in Python is enabled via the Client Server RPC Interface.

  • For this purpose, client and server can offer services via which clearly defined operations for mutual execution are published.
  • For safety-conscious service implementation, the RPC interface permits a safe access to functionality and resources.
  • The functionality is made available in a transparent manner here: A function call to a published function returns values in exactly the same way as is the case when calling local functions.
  • For longer todo items the return of which is irrelevant or only needed at a later point you also have the option to make an asynchronous function call.
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