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Value Ranges


  • Value ranges are gathered for each data item in the Data Items module.
  • As a result, you have to do the following for each data item:
    • define a value range type in the VR type field, that specifies
      • whether the gathered value range takes effect, and
      • when the DI is calculated or checked.
    • define a formula for the value range itself in the Value range field.


  • Value ranges can be deactivated without the formula being deleted. For this purpose, delete the entry in the VR type field.

Value Range Type


  • There are three groups of value range types. Via value ranges, data items can be
    • checked as entry fields upon input (PL, PF)
    • calculated as output fields (CO)
    • checked, calculated, and changed with Python (PY)

Standard Value Ranges

PL: Check by List


  • To check whether the data field input coincides with the defined values

The value range


  • Numeric data items
    • List of permitted input values separated by commas.
DInameVR typeValue rangeExplanation
000090Date deviation Start 1PL1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8Only the values specified can be entered.
  • Alphanumeric data items
    • Specify the list of allowed input values in quotation marks and separated by commas.
DInameVR typeValue rangeExplanation
000162ClassPL"A","B","C","D","E","X"Only the values specified can be entered.


  • When an incorrect input is made,
    • the "Please check entry" message is displayed and
    • the incorrect value will not be applied so that the previous value is displayed again.
  • An entry is correct if it is an element of the value range.

PF: Check Using a Formula


  • To check the data field input for values that result from the formulas

The value range


  • A check formula must return the value 0 or 1, with:
    • 0: FALSE
    • 1: TRUE
  • Only one formula can be specified for each DI.
  • One formula may extend over several lines.


DInameVR typeValue rangeExplanation
001019Requested SDPF(DI001019 <= DI001020) || (DI001020 0)Requested SD must not contain a date which is greater than the date in Requested ED.
001020Requested EDPF(DI001019 <= DI001020) || (DI001020 0)Requested ED must not contain a date which is smaller than the date in Requested SD.


  • When an incorrect input is made,
    • the "Please check entry" message is displayed and
    • the incorrect value will not be applied so that the previous value is displayed again.
  • An entry is correct if the value range formula returns the TRUE value.

CO: Calculations


  • To calculate the output value of a field in accordance with the prescribed formula.

The value range

  • is a calculation formula.
  • consists of Operatoren, Operanden and possibly Functions.
  • Only one formula can be specified for each DI.
  • One formula may extend over several lines.


  • For incorrectly constructed value ranges, the following error messages appear upon module start:
    • VR: division by zero
      • Attempt to divide a number by zero.
    • VR: result of calculation invalid (storage volume)
      • Result of the calculation exceeds the defined length of the virtual DI, e.g. when character chains are put together from constants or variables without the use of the TRIM() function.
    • VR: Operanden type incompatible
      • Attempt to execute a calculation between two different data types, e.g. a character string and a number. Convert relevant Operanden using the corresponding function, e.g. FMT(), ATOI().
    • VR is invalid: DIxxxxxx
      • Syntax error in the value range. Also follow-up message on the error messages listed above.
  • Depending on the specific error, an error message is only displayed once in each session when the value range is opened for the first time. Afterwards , the value range will no longer be executed.

Construction Rule for the CO, PL, PF Value Ranges

Permissible Objects


  • arithmetic: +, -, *, /, % (Modulo)
  • logical:
    • AND: &&
    • OR: ||
    • NOT: !
  • binary:
    • AND: &
    • OR: |
    • NOT: !
  • Compare: <, =, >, <=, ==, >=, <>, != (means NOT)
  • Quotation marks: "
  • Parentheses: ( )


  • Data items: real, virtual
  • Variables:
    • Users: @U
    • Dynamic: @D
    • Global: @G
    • System: @
  • Program constant
  • Fixed value: strings, numbers

data type

  • Integer: 2-byte, 4-byte, mixed
  • String: arbitrary number of characters (also matchcode*)

Rules for Operatoren

  • Arithmetic, logical, binary and comparison operators can be separated by blank spaces between the Operanden. This has no functional significance, but helps with the readability of a value range.
  • Quotation marks and parentheses must exactly enclose contents, i.e. blanks may only be included if they have a functional significance.
  • If the Boolean value of a value range is to be inverted, i.e. FALSE is to be output instead of TRUE, the contents of the value range must appear in parentheses and the expression "!=1” must be appended.


DInameVR typeValue rangeExplanation
005297KST to be loaded
EXIST(DI005297,808)EXIST function to check for non-existent records.


  • In value ranges, calculations can be performed using "modulo" (operator = %)


DInameVR typeValue rangeExplanation
007585Time RCLHYEXIST3("006428") %86400DIxxxxx % DIyyyyyy = remainder of the division (e.g. 9 % 5 = 4)

Rules for Operanden

  • The operand value can be
    • output directly (e.g. as part of a string) or
    • simply serve as part of a calculation


DInameVR typeValue rangeExplanation
003136HB elementCOTRIM(@G100) + "\" + TRIM(@G106) + "\" + DI001825 + "\" + @191 + "\" + TRIM(@G103) + "\" + "M" + @191 + DI000123 + @G107Value is calculated and output

Rules for input in value areas

  • Data item: DI<DI ident number>
    • is always entered with the prefix DI.
  • Variable: "@ <variable type> <variable number>"
    • are always specified in quotation marks. The cutting-off of redundant spaces at the end takes place automatically.
MeaningVariable number
System variable@[ID]
Dynamic Variable@D[ID]
Global variable@G[ID]
User variable@U[ID]
  • Constant: CONST <"constant ID">
    • The constant ID is always specified in inverted commas. The cutting-off of redundant spaces takes place automatically.
  • Fixed value:
    • Numbers must be specified without quotation marks if they are to be used in calculations. A number enclosed in quotation marks is interpreted as a string.
    • Strings must be enclosed in quotation marks.


  • The Operanden variable and constant must be trimmed in the value range if you do not want the entire data field length to be output as source (for constants, e.g. a length of 70).


  • The value output is the same as the value input:

Python Value Ranges

PY: Check, Calculation, Change


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